for non-Christians. I went to David with both which is reading the Bible. I believe that the each other, why wouldn’t we mishear God? But
of those dreams, and I was sure he would say Bible is the supreme way that God speaks, and He makes up for that, and as long as we stay
no. He listened to me, and he said, “It sounds everything is to be tested by the Bible. But He humble and submissive and willing to learn, it’s
ridiculous to me… but it sounds like it might speaks in lots of other ways. He guides us, and amazing how we can be led by Him.
be God. Let’s have a go.” He supported me sometimes, in our more charismatic circles, to start Soul Survivor Festivals, supported me we’ve turned it into something that’s very For me, my story most of the time, is that it’s
when I planted the church in Watford, and he mysterious. I think that every follower of Jesus only when I look back that I realize, “Oh my
has supported me ever since, really. So much can hear His voice, otherwise how can we be goodness God, you were there all the time!
of what I’ve learned I’ve learned from him. He followers of Jesus? It’s very natural and it’s very How did you do that?” It’s like the disciples.
and Mary now, in their almost nineties, they are normal, the only qualification you need to hear If you read the Gospels, most of the time the
gracious, they’re kind, they love Jesus, they’re the voice of Jesus is to be a sheep. Jesus said, disciples were clueless and it’s like Jesus made
encouraging, just as they always were. “My sheep hear my voice and they recognize up for their lack. And I think that’s how it works
My voice.” He speaks in a very natural way. with modern disciples, with us today. Half the
[WM] Can you identify and talk a bit about a He speaks in a way that we can understand. time we’re a bit clueless, but Jesus somehow
few of the open doors that God has brought So often it’s not with fireworks, but it’s a gentle guides us, and speaks to us, and whispers to
into your walk and calling? What is your ongoing whisper. So often it’s a still, small voice. So us, it’s just little hunches and hints and little
practice in identifying God’s voice before you often it’s just very, very tender. And He speaks whispers. It’s learning to pay attention, and it’s
travel the next step of your journey? like that so that we would learn to listen to His about not dialing up but dialing down. Those of
voice. I think three-quarters of the prophetic is us who are Evangelicals, we’re not very good
[Mike] First of all, I think so often in the church actually paying attention and learning to listen at listening, we love talking but we’re not very
we’ve either super-spiritualized hearing God’s to those little prompts and nudges. Do we get it good at listening. We need to learn the art of
voice, or we’ve relegated it to only one way, right all the time? No, of course not, we mishear contemplation. You hear in the Psalms, “Be still
May 2020
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