History tells us of a second “British Invasion” [Mike] Even though I became a Christian when
during the 1960’s, but this reference is to the I was fifteen, my life had not been easy, and it
Beatles and subsequent British musical artists still wasn’t easy, I had a tough time. When I was
of that time period. In the late 1990’s and early twenty-seven, I heard that there was a church
2000’s, another British invasion happened, where they prayed for people and then stuff
but this time it was in the form of worship and happened. I just knew I needed God and I was
worship music. UK band Delirious, and young certain there was something in my past that
songwriters like Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, I hadn’t know how to unfold that stayed with
and Stuart Townend, radically impacted (and discovered that Christianity isn’t about any of me. One Sunday I got on a train and arrived at
still do) a youth movement within the American those things, it’s about a relationship, and a this village, got off and asked where the church
church and Christian music in general. One of relationship with God through Jesus. And it was, and I went and sat at the back, and I just
the pastors very much in the flashpoint of this suddenly made sense. There were two friends knew I’d come home. Waves of love just swept
impact was England’s Mike Pilavachi. Worship of mine in my school who were popular, yet they over me.
leader/songwriters have flourished under Mike’s were different, and there was just something pastoral partnership. Matt Redman wrote the about them. I was seeking for something, I The story is, I started going there never ever
classic song, “Here I Am to Worship”, while knew I was seeking, but I then discovered that thinking I would work for the church. I was an
serving in Mike’s church. Pastor Mike toured the they were followers of Jesus. They explained accountant, and I went there because I was
U.S. many times as an evangelist/teacher with the gospel and I read stuff, and suddenly it all desperate to encounter God and get some
Soul Survivor and Worship Together events. made sense. It was on the fifteenth of January, I healing in my life. For some reason David and
A pastor, mentor, example, author, friend to walked up to the top on a hill near where I lived, Mary Pytches looked after me. They took me
many, Member of the British Empire (Awarded and I’m now on the wet grass where I prayed a under their wing, they invited me to their home,
by the Queen), and Deacon with the Church prayer asking Jesus to come into my life. That’s they prayed for me, and they talked with me.
of England, it was my unbelievable pleasure to basically the story. One day they did ask to see me, and he asked
recently visit with Mike. His perspective, words if I would give up my job as an accountant.
of instruction and encouragement for worship Chris Lane had been the youth worker, and
leaders here are immeasurable.
[WM] Mike, what an exceptional honor and
delight it is to visit with you today. You’ve been
a huge inspiration to me for almost twenty-five
years! My understanding is that you came to
know Christ around the age of fifteen. What
were the circumstances surrounding this?
[Mike Pilavachi] I was brought up in a family
of Greek Cypriot immigrants, and my parents
were Greek Orthodox atheists, so I decided I
was an atheist as well. They hated church,
“For some Chris was just going to Anaheim in order to
reason we asked if I’d give up my job as an accountant to
keep moving I couldn’t believe it! It was all I’d ever wanted to
look at planting a Vineyard church. So, David
away from
be the new youth worker (leader) of the church.
do. I’d always served in a voluntary capacity for
youth groups, so I said, “Yes”. David and Mary
intimacy and we
replace it with
became my spiritual Mum and Dad, I’m still
in touch with them now and David’s going to
be ninety in July. He just phoned me two days
ago. They prayed for me every day for over
thirty years. They loved me. They corrected
me. They challenged me. They forgave me, and
and they hated religion, because they saw the they encourage me and cheered me on. I spent
abuse of it in Cypress. When I was fourteen, four or five years doing the youth work for them.
I wrote an essay in my English class, and the [WM] And how did you find yourself in youth title was, “Why I’m Not a Christian”. I said I’m ministry at St. Andrew’s Chorleywood? I Then I remember I had this dream of planting a
not a Christian, because Christianity is for old haven’t seen Bishop David Pytches in many church to reach young people in Watford, and
people who are afraid of dying, weak people years. He profoundly impacted me at a lunch also another dream to start a festival for young
who need a crutch, and ignorant people who table conversation one day, over twenty years people where we would take God seriously, but
don’t realize that science has the answers. ago. Tell us about your time at St. Andrew’s we wouldn’t take ourselves very seriously. And
Then a year after I wrote that essay, I became a and the willingness of then Vicar Pytches to we would equip Christians to worship and move
Christian. Basically, I met Jesus, and what I was embrace and encourage the working and gifts in the gifts of the Spirit, to get into His Word,
rejecting was religion, rules and regulations. I of the Holy Spirit within an Anglican Church? and also make it a place that was accessible
May 2020
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