The songs helped to calm the masses. James to make music together and worship God
Taylor is a great example of this. All that to say, collectively is just a lot of fun! And needed at
I think because of the pandemic and related times! Of course, we can be called to unique
“shelter in home” disciplines we’re all currently local expressions of the Church and serve our
experiencing, some realities of life have people in those ways, but we’ve found a lot of
“sobered” up a lot of folks, including the church. joy in uniting with others.
Maybe this will foster worship songwriters to
pen some new thoughtful, reflective, pensive,
James Taylor
[WM] What is your current guitar of choice?
and dare I say “quiet” worship songs. Any
thoughts on this?
[WM] One of the things that I appreciate [Chris] A Martin 00-28.
about the Elevation Worship team is that you
[Chris] I’m not sure what all will come from are not afraid to “cross pollinate” with other [WM] What brand of IEM’s do you use?
this time we currently find ourselves in. I do church movements and artists. You’ve done
know that if we stay open to God’s Spirit, we this on record and on tour, including work with [Chris] JH Audio. Love them!
can leave this situation better (individually and Passion, Bethel, Hillsong, and others. How collectively) than we were before it began. I sure would you encourage worship leaders on a [WM] Let’s end up on a lighter note. What’s
hope part of that are new songs that surface. I local level to reach out and work with other the best fast food truck you’ve ever ordered
know I need space and often stillness to hear churches and ministries, despite possible from?
God’s voice. I also know that boredom can lead doctrinal differences and church cultures, to great creativity, so here’s hoping that a lot of within their own communities? [Chris] Some taco truck in San Diego, CA that
God-given imaginations will be tapped during I can’t remember the name of!
this time at home! [Chris] Well we’re all part of the same big
family, right? So, coming out of our own rooms
May 2020
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