contagious joy and spirit, so we had a blast. [Chris] It actually feels very difficult to describe with singing the Benediction from Numbers 6.
We came into that day in a bit of a Springsteen how that song came about. It’s almost like After about ten minutes of us coming around
space, so when Pastor Steven grabbed the I don’t want to over-explain it for fear that I’ll the idea, we decided we’d press pause on the
electric and launched into the bridge hit of take away from some of the mystery of how it other song and shift focus to this on. From that
Graves - “Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun”, and combined came into the room. What’s interesting is we point on it began to pour out rather quickly. We
it with a lyrical thought he’d recently preached were turning in the masters of our album the just wanted to be careful not to “over-write”
around, we had a feeling it was going to be a day we were writing with Kari and Cody. So, it or over think it, but just let God download
lot of fun to sing in church. Then the night we there was of course, no plan of including any the song. A couple hours later, we left with
recorded in January was honestly insane. I’ve song we might write that day on this current a demo in hand that had us in tears the next
never seen such lean in and excitement at one project. day (Friday), and we decided to introduce it to
of our recordings from our church. They carried
church that weekend.
so many of the moments themselves, and it But the best I can say about it in short, is that was one I will never forget. we were finishing up the day and starting to And so, two days after it was written, we were
demo another song we’d written with them, and singing it at church and the recording we’ve now
Pastor Steven began mumbling and fiddling released is from that very first weekend we’d
[WM] There’s also another great song on
the project called The Blessing. You co-wrote
sung it.
this with Cody, Kari, and Steven. We seem to
have lost the practice of regularly “blessing” [WM] Songwriting has historically been
one another, so this inspirational song came important in lifting people’s spirits. It did so
as a nice surprise to me. Tell us about this during the Great Depression of the 1930’s,
song. What was the inspiration behind setting through songwriters from New York City’s “Tin
an Old Testament benediction to a modern Pan Alley”, and again in the early 1970’s, from
The Blessing
May 2020
writers coming out of the turbulent 1960’s.
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