Don’t Look Back The End Is the Beginning Illumination
We’ve all heard friends say of some musician, “Love Lines the Last Horizon” was one of the Phil Keaggy makes albums because he loves
“The album is fine, but it doesn’t really capture best pop albums of 2016, so Tanya Godsey making music. Lots and lots of music. But
the live show.” Anyone who’s seen Josh Wil- has a lot to live up to this time around; happily, let’s be honest: Unless you’re a superfan, the
son in concert or on one of his YouTube vid- she keyboard-driven output of such uber-prolific musicians can
eos can attest that he belongs in that category. anthems are the name of the game, from be daunting. “Another album already? Didn’t
He’s not only a multi-instrumentalist but also a the resurrection theme of “Coming Back to we just get the Bucket List album a couple
master of looping, surrounding himself with in- Life” to the harmonized “Grow” which leans of months ago?” Yes, we did. But this is no
struments and then hopping fluidly from drums on a floral metaphor of “growing towards the self-indulgent or slapdash effort. Rather, it’s
to keys to vocals to lead guitar as he builds Light.” Biblical language appears constantly: a supremely catchy arena rock/pop album
songs up and down in layers. It’s mesmerizing. “no shadow of turning;” “I lift my eyes to the recalling the 80’s heyday of Survivor and
It also doesn’t translate to the recorded format, hills;” tears “sown in grief;” “of death’s sting, the Foreigner. Tasty, tasty guitars are of course
in which multi-tracking is a trick as old as Les end” and the like. Songs written solo or with present, but never just for the sake of playing
Paul’s legend. Thankfully, Wilson’s songs are Sarah Hart and Cindy Morgan are augmented some notes, as both artists trade vocal and
strong enough to stand on their own, without by programming from California-based artist instrumental riffs with ease and skill. Keaggy’s
the admittedly impressive stage show. His Lael. Both the stripped demo version and the vocals remain clear and bright, while Schnelle
strong, clear vocals recall Nate Ruess, backed final produced versions are included for all five recalls the pure power of Kansas’ Jon Elefante.
by classic rock instrumentation you’d hear from tracks. Godsey has one of those arresting alto Seven of the eleven tracks are originals full of
Ben Rector. “Self Less” opens things up with a voices like Annie Lennox or Jess Ray that grabs up-front gospel sentiments as in “Nothing Can
sweet combo of organ and clean electric gui- you so hard that it almost doesn’t matter what Separate Us, “Glorify Your Name,” and “Day
tar, reminding us that Christ-like humility con- she’s singing, but in this case the songs fulfill of the Lord.” Four tracks remake classics from
sists in thinking of others rather than ourselves. the promise in the vocals. Keaggy’s earlier repertoire: the rockers “Time”
“Borrow” rolls along with Ed Sheeran-like patter and “Full Circle” and the ballads “Let Everything
describing the battle with anxiety, paraphras- Else Go” and “Spend My Life With You.”
ing Jesus’ words in Matthew 6. “OK” deals
with shame and the pressure to seem sinless.
“Dream Small” encourages people to look for
every opportunity to be helpful, not preoccu-
pied with grand aspirations. Don’t think twice
Robert Berman
Robert is a Sunday School teacher, music nerd,
and acoustic guitar enthusiast. He lives in rural
Tennessee with his wife and three boys.
about adding this to your collection, and catch
Wilson live if at all possible.
May 2019
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