A Thousand More
Some of the standout tracks include “Great & “Praise the Name (Ancient Doors)" is a creative
Glorious” which is a raw and gritty rhythmic song lyrical combination of the awe and majestic
of praise giving thanks to God for the freedom qualities of God blended seamlessly with the
we have in Jesus. “Rise Up” is a glorious song intimacy of drawing close to Jesus over soaring
about how God’s love raises us from the ashes vocals and memorable melodies. "Greater
and brings hope to the hopeless while “Always Things" is ready for immediate air-play and will
Be My Love” brings the energy down in this resonate with Sunday morning pew sitters both
intimate song of praise that declares the Lord young and wise, but the true standout quality
as the Lord of our entire lives. of this track lies in the gloriously grounded
exploration of the promises of Christ.
God’s relentless pursuit of his people is the
For those who struggle with doubt in their lives,
heartbeat in the 80’s rocker, “Runaway” as we
the pulsating "What's Left to be Afraid Of" is
are reminded of how just like the father ran out to
meet the Prodigal, our God never stops seeking 1. Breakthrough Is Coming a booster to faith. Psalm 23 gets a relevant
us. The title track is the story of Smith’s near- 2. Ruins (Rebuild My Soul) and refreshing makeover with the piano-led
death experience with bronchial pneumonia as 3. A Thousand More "All the Days" and “Ruins (Rebuild My Soul)” is
a child and is a story of redemption and God’s 4. Praise the Name (Ancient Doors) a pop-infused song of expectation as we are
faithfulness played out in his own life. 5. I Still Believe (You Are Faithful) reminded how our God finds us in the ashes of
6. Like No Other sin and lifts us up to where He is.
Fans of Martin Smith and Delirious? will 7. obviously love this album but so will those who 8. Nothing Like Your Love I enjoyed a bunch of the songs from this debut
are unfamiliar with his music. Most songs found 9. The Reason by Thrive. The vocals are really what hold
on this latest collection are congregationally 10. What’s Left to Be Afraid Of this group of songs together and the singers
ready and the theme of God’s hope amidst 11. All the Days from this collective rival those of Passion or
the struggles of life comes through clearly.
Martin Smith has found his voice again with
this release.
Greater Things
Thrive Worship began as the worship team
for Bayside Church based in Sacramento,
California and has quickly grown into a
sprawling eight-campus worship family whose
songs and weekly Sunday night worship
California community. Their debut album, A
Bethel’s. The arrangements are current albeit
a bit repetitious as by then end of the album,
the songs begin to run together. Thrive Worship
doesn’t reinvent the wheel of modern worship
music, yet they still have their merits and the
writing throughout is generally free of overused
cliché’s while staying grounded in Biblical truth.
Thousand More includes eleven new tracks
written with the local congregation in mind
and features multiple Thrive campus worship
leaders including Peter Burton, Charmaine
Wells and Corbin Phillips. Bayside also happens
to be the home of well-known Worship Pastor
and songwriter, Lincoln Brewster (although he
does not appear on this debut album).
May 2019
Gerod Bass
Worship leader in Tacoma, WA. Mentor with Worship
Catalyst. Singer, songwriter, guitarist with a passion
for impacting lives for the sake of the Gospel.
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