wanted to go to London so I’m excited, it’s a when we give ourselves completely as a living father? And that’s an earthly father. Now we
first for me. sacrifice as the verse said, all of our goals and have a Heavenly Father that loves us more than
all of our desires are His desires and His goals. any other earthly father could possibly do, and
[WM] As a graduate of Lee University, how did
your college years prepare you for life?
not only loves us more, but knows more, and
The English word “Worship” comes from an Old
knows all and is all powerful.
English term “weorþscipe” and it literally means
[Clark] We could have the whole interview “work shape”. To shape one’s work, and we do So, when you think of it that way it’s kind of a
about just that question. The educational that when we give ourselves to God fully, who no brainer that you would give yourself to God
platform showed me where my mental limits knows us better and loves us better than we completely, because frankly… it’s in your best
were, and how to press pass them, which was can love ourselves or anybody can. When we interest to do so, and who better to give your
huge and very important. Even physically too, give ourselves to Him completely, He shows us life to and follow than someone who loves you
without sleep, when I had fifteen things to do the way, the path of our best lived and fullest the most and knows the most?
and six hours to do them, and those six hours life. When we do that naturally He is the main could be used on sleep but deciding that I had guy in shaping our work. That’s really the only [WM] That’s a wonderful answer. Lastly, if you
to do what I had to do. So, stretching my limits way to live. owned a food truck, what would you serve and
there, and exceeding them, was very important
where would you park your truck?
when I went on “Idol”. Because we wouldn’t Yes, it is a service, but who else would you want have much sleep and we had to sing and sing to give your life to? It’s like, when you’re a little [Clark] Fried chicken, without a doubt. And I
well, and I was prepared for that just from finals kid, a toddler, and you don’t know anything and would park my truck probably in the parking lot
weeks and stuff. something goes down and it looks like you’re in of the Tennessee Titans stadium after games.
some trouble or you sense danger, you look to I’d hit everybody!
Other than that, while I was at Lee University, your father for guidance and ask what you’re I was part of Campus Choir, the Gospel choir, supposed to do right now. And he says, “Come [WM] Perfect! Thank you, Clark for your
and we traveled and did tours. Spiritually they here and jump in my arms”, that toddler is giving time and thoughtful consideration, and have a
really laid the foundation for me, taught me how himself as a living sacrifice to his father when he wonderful trip to the UK.
to pray for people in person, one on one, and to jumps into his arms and says “Whatever you have a conversation with them, and then right say, I’m going to do”. But what better person Listen to Clark Beckham
there to pray for them. They taught me how to in the world to give yourself to than a loving Follow Clark Beckham:
worship, how to praise and look a fool if you
need to, and really care about what God says
and thinks over anything and everything else.
Maybe the best thing I’ve ever done was go to
Lee University and join Campus Choir.
[WM] That’s wonderful! Romans 12:1 urges
us, “In view of God’s mercy”, to, “offer our
bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to
God—which is our true and proper worship”.
What does this scripture mean to you?
[Clark] That scripture for me kind of ties in
with “Seek first the kingdom of God”. Jesus
said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all
of these things will come unto you”, but you
don’t seek the kingdom of God so that you
can have these things come unto you. You
seek the kingdom of God because when we
give ourselves completely. And that is our main
goal above everything else. When we do that,
May 2019
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