offer some great flavors, 3) DCA Groups make between projects and scenes when recalling As I mentioned, I knew I was going to like this
for simplified mixing, 4) User programmable them. As mentioned in this review, projects are system. But what I didn’t know was how much
buttons for mute groups, tap tempo, and scene global, and scenes live under their respective better it was going to sound. One of my audio
selection for personalized work flow, 5) User projects. This isn’t a bad thing, but scenes techs used to work for Skywalker Sound, and
mode to create custom Fat Channel controls created in one project cannot be recalled in any he actually commented to me how much better
for easy go-to tweaking, 6) a flexible Talkback other project. I made the mistake of attempting it sounded during worship as he was running
feature the to recall a scene in the wrong project and the console, and he has an extremely critical
band a breeze, and 7) this console has eight thought I lost all of my patching. I didn’t, I just ear. “The stereo separation is wider and the
FX channels! needed to recall the project first. audio is simply clearer. It sounds really great.”
And don’t forget, this console is designed to OVERALL IMPRESSION Clarity is key when presenting the Gospel.
work in the studio as well as on the stage… Currently, there is no other option for these thus the name, StudioLive. Does your church kinds of features at this price. That’s a homerun do live recordings of your worship team? This is for PreSonus, and for churches looking to step your turnkey solution… the tracks you capture up their game in the digital console world. The can be opened directly in PreSonus’ award workflow is fast and intuitive, and my volunteer winning DAW, StudioOne. The StudioLive 64S techs have already embraced it wholeheartedly.
PreSonus StudioLive 64S
$3,999.95 MAP
PreSonus NSB16.8 AVB
Networked Stage Box
$799.95 MAP
is a killer, high-performance console.
I took a risk and installed this system a week
CHALLENGES and a half before Easter… What? Yes. It was
As I mentioned earlier, my biggest challenge probably not the wisest plan, but I had faith
was operator ignorance. It took me awhile to that we could get it working. And we did. It
understand the digital patching. There was a worked phenomenally well for our Good Friday
learning curve, so if you’re like me, give yourself and Easter services. With 1,800 people joining
some time to figure that out. us for our Holy Week and Easter services,
we needed zero issues with audio, and
Also, make sure you understand the difference
there were zero issues. It was reliable and it
sounded phenomenal.
May 2019
Matt Kees
Matt is the Director of the Christian Musician Summit,
as well as the Minister of Media and Technical Arts at
Our Savior Lutheran in Tacoma, WA
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