channel strip parameters, Fat Channel models, Since we don’t use EarMix, our musicians can addition, a tool often overlooked with virtual
and channel names, etc. download QMix-UC on their phone (iOS and sound checks is the ability to clean up mixes
Android), and we can give them permission for your various monitors and auxiliary sends.
Something very helpful in a house of worship to mix their own in-ears. I don’t give our floor Yes, we will sound check more than just FOH.
is to have different User Profiles for when wedge users the option to do this for obvious different groups want to use the PA. I have reasons (I want to control stage volume There are so many additional bells and whistles,
created profiles for different Bible study groups, from FOH). I can’t get to them all in this review. Here is a
weddings, and worship teams. When they login,
list of a few more things that I really dig about
it automatically loads a project and scene so The StudioLive 64S also comes with the ability this console: 1) the XMAX preamps sound
that they are all set with what they need. It also to multi-track record on an SD card and/or with incredible, 2) the variety of Compression and
locks out the ability to edit certain parameters their Capture software via USB, or with any EQ plug-ins available for every Fat Channel
so they can’t accidentally mess up an EQ or recording software that supports the standards patch setting or any other critical setting. I have (e.g., Core Audio for Mac, ASIO for Windows). also set a password to the default admin login Such great flexibility! Multi-track playback is so folks can’t just come in and mess things up. such a great tool when it comes to virtual sound
checks, and I will use it even more frequently
PreSonus offers a couple options for remote
when training my technicians how to mix. In
control. UC Surface gives you access to the
entire FOH console via computer or tablet, both
Mac and Windows, iOS and Android. This is
handy when I’m mixing monitors for folks who
are not using the QMix-UC, which is the remote
monitor mixer for musicians on the platform.
May 2019
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