Worship Musician May 2019 | Page 106
This is a bit weird for me. Presenting any sort of key of E that’s the E note and the B note) help of shot at the beginning. I hope you grab your
instruction about acoustic guitar playing feels chord transitions sound smoother and more cut capo and play along!
weird because I’m a bassist, a band leader constant as well as creating wonderful, subtle and an instructor way before I’m an acoustic non-standard chord variations.
guitarist. I feel like a hack on acoustic guitar!
And this publication features articles from some So here are three videos that I hope will help
of the best players on the planet! I am not you with your acoustic guitar playing. Maybe
one of them. But hey, maybe you (and other you’ll want to buy yourself a cut capo!
readers) feel like that too.
First, watch this whole band rendition of “Lion
I’m an Aussie bassist! I have limited brain
and The Lamb”.
Play Along with the Acoustic Guitar
(in E with a cut capo)
capacity. I need to keep my acoustic guitar
playing as simple as possible. I need to allocate These videos are part of a larger collection.
brain space to leading the congregation, In partnership with the good folk at Integrity
leading the band, singing, remembering lyrics
Music and We Are Worship, the series has
and - thoughtfully, prayerfully, intentionally …
been produced to help regular, weekend-
hopefully - following the guidance of the Holy warrior Church bands craft a version of “Lion
Spirit. Using as few left-hand fingers as possible And The Lamb” that is as congregation-friendly
and having simple strumming patterns can be a
huge benefit.
as possible. Installments in previous issued of
“Lion and The Lamb”
Whole Band Performance (in E) WM have shown a congregational arrangement
But despite my limited experience and ability, I In this next video, I chat about and demonstrate issue), bass and drums (November) electric
have found ways of making solid, meaningful, how I have approached acoustic guitar for guitar (December) and keyboards (April). If you
musical statements with the acoustic guitar - this song. missed any, make sure you dig them up.
approach for vocals (found in last October’s
whether I’m on my own or with a full band.
These resources are intended to help you and
And so, in these videos you’ll notice I’m using your teams of local church musicians craft a
my favorite little guitar friend - a capo. But not sound that leaves your congregation with no
just any capo! It’s a “cut” or “partial” capo. Mine doubt that they are being invited to sing this
is a Kyser and I love it! It has helped me find powerful declaration of truth with you… rather
simple-yet-satisfying parts. These days, my cut than just listen to you.
capo is never far from reach whenever I play.
Acoustic Guitar Tutorial (in E with a cut capo)
Words and music by Brenton Brown, Brian Johnson, Leeland
With the cut capo, simple chords can sound
Mooring. (©2015 Meaux Mercy, Thankyou Music, The Devil Is A
rich and full. The constant 1 and 5 drone that is Finally, we have a static-camera video that
so frequently used in guitar driven songs (in the shows my playing better. Sorry for moving out
“The Lion and The Lamb”
May 2019
Liar! Publishing, Bethel Music Publishing)
Grant Norsworthy
Founder of More Than Music Mentor, providing
online and onsite training for the heart and the art
of worshipping musicians.
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