in Steve Perry’s solo band was, what some view music, in that context, as more of a vehicle like NGO’s that have mission statements. They
would describe as career suicide. What are your where it’s just one way to do it. It’s more about are about getting out and reaching the lost,
thoughts on the various differences between who you’re doing it for, and why you’re doing it. having great prayer ministries, and getting
a career in the music business, and being a The purpose of it is very different. involved in city impact activities. I’m a big fan of
worship musician who works for a church?
Christian radio.
[WM] Since your Hollywood years, radio, as
[Lincoln] The biggest one is purpose. we once knew it, has changed a lot. Can you People are impacted by music, and that’s
God’s economy works the opposite of man’s talk about the role Christian radio has played in always been true since the beginning of time.
economy. With playing music in the context of your career as a Christian artist? You look back at the Levitical order, music
church, and leading worship, you’re trying to
played a part, and really a lead part. Anytime
use that gift and that platform to accomplish [Lincoln] Christian radio has actually been we can get music with God’s Word in it, with
a greater end. And that end has names and incredible in my journey. It’s a neat thing, like good theology that lifts up and encourages,
faces. It’s whoever will hear it and engage with when we go tour in cities that have a strong and is accessible to a wide range of people,
God differently than had they not heard it. But Christian radio presence versus ones that I think that’s a great thing. Whether they’re
it’s not designed like the secular music industry don’t, you can actually tell. I think there’s a playing my songs or not, I’m a big fan! I love it
where it’s about, “I like to do this, so I need to camaraderie with people when there’s Christian and think it’s a good thing.
figure out how to do what I like and get as many radio there. They unite around their station, if people to support me in it so I can keep doing that makes sense. I like what Christian radio [WM] You’ve already got a million streams on
what I like.” It doesn’t work that way in church, is doing, and the reach they’re having. Lots of your new title track, which is pretty amazing!
or it shouldn’t. In church, it’s about finding the different models for that are popping up as we These are changing times for artists. How do
best way to impact, encourage, reach out to, go along, and I’m loving seeing the ministry- you stay on top of the changes in the business
and speak to as many people as possible with minded side of so many of them. They’re really and make sure that you’re following the trends
the gifts and talents that God has given me. I functioning a little like churches, or certainly so that, as an artist, you’re not being left
May 2018