Lincoln Brewster is an artist near and dear to [WM] Music has played a special role in your expression. That’s obviously the main vehicle
all of our hearts here at [WM]. We’ve held life. Can you put into words what it means that I use now, to use music as a means for
several Christian Musician Summits at Bayside to you? worship and to encourage people through that.
To me, it’s a unique, broad, ever-changing,
Church where he serves as a Senior Pastor.
He’s headlined our Night of Worship at NAMM. [Lincoln Brewster] It’s meant different living organism, if you will, that is good for the
He’s a chart-topping worship artist who also things at different times. I had a connection to soul. It speaks to people in different ways than
happens to be one of the best dang guitarists music, early in my life, before I was a Christian. anything else can. It’s amazing how you can
on the planet. But more than all of that, when It was an escape for me, a safe haven. in take a simple truth, and if you spoke the simple
you hear him talk, everything points back Alaska, where I grew up, it was either go party truth it would mean one thing, but if you set it to
to Jesus. Lincoln’s tenth album “God of the and make a bunch of bad decisions, or stay melody and chords it can mean so much more,
Impossible” was released May 4 , and is filled home and play music, so that was what I chose or impact someone so much more profoundly
with more of his uplifting songs and killer guitar to do. So, it’s been a refuge of sorts at times. and deeply. It’s so multi-faceted and means so
playing. We had the pleasure of catching up Even today, it’s still a creative outlet. I’m sort of many different things to me... it’s just amazing!
with Linc a few weeks before the release to talk a project guy, so it’s nice to be able to express about music, worship, guitars, his upcoming myself in that way. I’ve also come to view [WM] Walking away from a gig where you
instrumental album, and leadership. music as a great vehicle for worship and for effectively replaced Neal Schon as the guitarist
Live photos courtesy Bayside Church
May 2018