the hour-long lines today of people stockpiling updates. Your web site is the perfect place given FACEBOOK
food at Safeway. I didn’t see one message in all the cubbies it has for stowing information. As I mention in the video, this is a great place
to reach the community around things like
my inbox or online from a church saying we’ve
got supplies for those who need them. We Assessment Test supplies for the elderly and in turn point back
can and need to do better, because we are I’d like to suggest assessing your eMail, social to your web site.
the hands and feet of Jesus. Serving those in feeds, web site, and app (if you’ve got one) need is way more important than buying a new grading yourself on how good a job you’re VIDEO
streaming rig. doing reaching and serving the three groups I For all the chatter this past week about buying
mentioned above. Chances are it will be quite new streaming gear, thanks to the shelter-
revealing. in-place order that goes into effect here at
midnight, many pastors are on their own this
To know where we need to raise the bar we
need to know where we’re dropping it and that PLAN OF ACTION weekend. If that sounds like your church, I
takes a good honest assessment. I’ve been Once you’ve wrapped your assessment, would strongly suggest getting your messaging
keeping my eyes on the social feeds and web I’d suggest asking your leaders if they’d like tight and having your pastor shoot a video on
sites for a wide range of churches and have to hear about your results, and if so, share their phone in landscape mode, posting it on
been surprised at how poor a job we’ve done away. From there, crafting a plan is not rocket YouTube, and embedding or even linking to
of keeping people informed about when and science. Make a list of what needs to get done, that from your web site. High level strategy, low
where the next services will be. Although this how often it needs tending and create a system threshold of execution.
situation remains liquid, letting people know of check and balances for staying on track.
For tips on how to shoot a great video on your
that there is a plan and as well as a ‘Plan C’.
WEB SITE iPhone I suggest you watch the great video
In the video I suggest putting up a message I’d strongly suggest making this your hub for on this page from Sean Cannel and Heather
on all your communication outlets (email, just about everything other than internal eMail Torres. They’re strong believers, have 1M subs
social media, apps, web site) with an overview communication, including where you host your on YouTube, and they are an amazing resource
of what you’re planning for this weekend, video services since it can be nested alongside for all things YouTube!
including a contingency plan, as well as what your giving.
single communication hub they can turn to for
March 2020
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