Worship Musician March 2019 | Page 69

[Kim Walker-Smith] I have read countless every challenge she gives you, is all in the about reading that and laughing out loud. And I books that tackle the issues of our hearts and effort to connect you to the Creator, to God. said that I’m committed to this. I’m committed our character. Books that challenge me, and I And through that connection the blockage is because here I am again. Here I am writing have gone back and revisited many of those removed and you feel the wellspring of creativity about it, and saying that I want to unblock the books. “The Artists Way” is a book written by being released. places where I feel blocked. I want to connect Julia Cameron (and I think she’s a Christian) with the Creator in a new and fresh way. but she writes the book for anyone. The whole So, I’m reading this book again, and at the start point of the book, the reason she wrote it, is of the book there is a contract that she has you This is what people don’t always want to do, to help people unlock creativity in their lives, sign. I laughed out loud last night as I noticed I to put in the time and the work and the effort. like with writer’s block, or any other blockage had signed it once in 2012, again is 2015, and But if you have it inside of you that, “I want to of creativity. The whole point she makes in the here I am again signing it in 2019. I just laughed be a good leader, I want to be someone that book is that you cannot unblock creativity in thinking that I’ve been around this mountain people want to follow!”, but here is the thing your life without connecting to the Creator. So, and here I am again. This morning when I was that you may start to find out. Maybe you have everything she is leading you to, every exercise, writing in my journal, I was writing about that, a really great talent, maybe you’re a really good March 2019 Subscribe for Free... 69