Intro by Doug Doppler
If you’ve ever led a team, you know that In this installment, Kim walks us through the When surrender our lives as Jesus did, our
leadership is a journey of seasons. Some reality that when things aren’t going well, we posture shifts as we die to ourselves and
seasons are about serving the team, while tend to look out rather than in. We look for our journey to selflessly serve others. This builds
others are about God using the leadership breakthrough instead of seeking it for those the kind of leaders who pour everything they
experience to strengthen our capacity, so we around us. If we’re brutally honest, we’ve have into the coming generation, so they can
can hold the weight of what God has in store all been there, and we’re still walking out the breathe life into the vision that God is already
for us next. journey of championing those we serve as birthing in their spirit.
much or more than we chase our own dreams
and aspirations.
March 2019
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