microphone, I’m a part of the body of Christ you’re just out on a walk.” I think so many by private devotion. I believe that when we have
just like you and let’s all collectively bring our times as leaders we have to pay attention to been with the Lord and have experienced His
offering of worship to the Lord.” So, it’s a ‘both, our role, which is to minister to the Lord, serve power and presence behind closed doors in
and’ for me, and that’s where I think there is the congregation, and to help them bring their the secret place where He says to go and pray
such dynamic power in a choir if it’s done well. offering to the Lord. So, there’s a bit we have when no one is watching, that is when we are
to do to be incarnate, if you will, we have to equipped and can invite other people to do the
[WM] You also mentioned that the song can’t connect people where they are, we have to same when we are on the platform.
stop at the choir. As a worship pastor, worship build trust, we have to communicate in such leader, and songwriter, what advice do you a way that our value is to do this together and [WM] Having grown up in a choir, the only time
have for teams on how to better engage the that God is worthy of our collective communal sheet music was allowed was when a song
congregation whether they have a choir yet worship and praise. was introduced, so even as a child there was
or not?
an expectation that music is meant to be ‘heard
I feel the weight of that as a worship pastor, that and not seen’ if you will. While I understand
[Michael] At the end of the day, when you’re whatever we do from a visual perspective, from that people are busy, and some churches are
a worship pastor, you’re serving people and a scriptural perspective, how we highlight the totally OK with reading off an iPad, most people
helping them bring their offering to the Lord. scripture in our musical worship portions, and I know who come from a classical background
John Maxwell, one of my mentors, told me one visually how we lead and wear our passion and tend to favor the idea of using sheet music or
time, “If you think you’re leading but no one is connection for the people, is very important. charts as a vehicle to learn a song, not to be
actually with you, you’re not leading anything, Ultimately, public authority is primarily informed able to ‘perform’ it. I’d be curious to hear your
March 2019
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