back where choirs really had become just got to feed them ten chickens or they will bite members of the congregation can get lost in
presentational for the most part. I heard a lot you. (laughs) It’s a thing you have to tend. A a performance just as they get lost in a film,
of people say they weren’t going to do choir choir can be extremely life giving because of or in a concert with Andrea Bocelli or some
anymore because they didn’t want to perform, the people and the family aspect. But if it’s not other incredible artist. You get lost in the
they wanted to worship. I think a little bit of that tended well, it can also be a place where strife beauty of the art that’s happening, and you can
is hogwash, because everybody who steps on and contention and gossip form, and idolatry participate and worship with your spirit… even
a platform, whether they are welcoming people, can take root. It’s like anything else, you have to if you aren’t singing what the choir is singing. It
or preaching, or giving announcements, all tend it, and pastor it, and shepherd it in a good happens because the choir has been equipped
of it is a performance. And performance is way. A choir, or any mode of art for that matter, and gifted to share that offering of music, and
not a bad word. We’re performing a task, can become an idol. And that’s the thing we they can minister to the Lord and minister to
we’re performing a piece of communication, have to crush. the people with it. If the posture of the heart is
performing a teaching, communicating a story.
there, then it is a powerful, explosive, darkness-
Again, performance is not an evil word. I think For me, the most beautiful thing about choirs
the real issue is the posture of heart. is that there is room for presentation and
busting weapon.
congregational participation. There can be Conversely, choirs can encourage participation
So, choral ministry and a lot of churches both, they can coexist. Choirs very often as well. The choir can be a force to move a
went by the wayside for more of a rock band provide an opportunity to reach something song from the platform into the congregation.
approach, it was an easier thing to manage as creatively and experientially that congregants Like an invitation to the people, it says, “Hey,
well. Choirs are a ten-chicken alligator, you’ve aren’t able to. With a symphony and a choir, you’re just like me, I’m not a solo artist with one
March 2019
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