Heaven All Around Us
our works but solely exists out of His grace and “You Are Faithful”, “Reveal Yourself” and “When
mercy and our true rest is found there. We Seek You” all being captivating songs of
meaningful worship.
“This Is Holy Ground” follows the same vein
thematically and tells of the intimacy with which A few of the better cuts include, “Generous
our God knows every part of us and features Giver” which is well-written intimate song of
slide guitars and a chorus you can’t help but thanksgiving that outlines all the ways God
sing along to. blesses us and “We Turn to Jesus”, a Mid-
tempo driving worship opener describing how
One of the things I love about this album is the God welcomes His sons and daughters back
southern musical influence that is sprinkled with open arms.
throughout on songs like, “Heartbeat” which is
The central theme of this twelve song collection
a smartly-written southern diddy asking God to
transform every part of us to be like Him. The 1. We Turn to Jesus is God’s never ending faithfulness and love
Hammond b-3 organ and southern guitars give 2. Wave After Wave for His people in the midst of tragedy and
this track warmth and feeling. 3. Heaven All Around Us worldly trials. Nowhere is that more evident and
4. Generous Giver obvious than on the song, “Hands Held High”
I really enjoyed this collection, not just because 5. Believe Again in which Brenton reminds us to cling to our
of the obvious City Harmonic musical influence 6. Hands Held High child-like faith and to come to Jesus with full
on many of the tracks but also the differences 7. I Will Rejoice abandon because when everything from this
in musical landscapes and arrangements 8. You Are Faithful world passes away, He is all we have left. It is a
that make this album interesting and fresh. 9. I Believe poignant moment of the album especially since
Drummer’s writing is expressive, raw and well- 10. Reveal Yourself Brenton and his family lost their home last year
crafted as he shares songs that are birthed 11. Jesus Take It All in the Southern California fires and how they
from a great understanding of God’s grace 12. When We Seek You (Just To Know You) are experiencing God’s grace and mercy out of
and love. This is a sneaky great album that you
don’t want to miss.
South-African born song writer and worship
leader, Brenton Brown has been one of the most
prolific song writers of the worship community
since 2006 with such congregational hits as
“Everlasting God”, “Because of Your Love” and
more recently, “Lion and the Lamb” which he
co-penned with Leeland. Brenton now serves
as the Worship Pastor at Vintage Church which
is located in Southern California. Their debut
release, Heaven All Around Us, features 12
new songs mostly written and led by Brenton
alongside a talented team of leaders and
musicians who also call Vintage home.
Musically a majority of the tracks are very
mellow with lots of acoustic guitars, piano
ballads and slower tempos with songs like
March 2019
that tragedy.
This is a nice collection from Vintage although
I would have liked to have seen a little more
variety with regards to song style and
arrangement as toward the end of the album
the songs began to run together. That being
said, these are songs written out of personal
experience of those who have seen God’s
goodness and mercy overcome tragedy and
heartache. It is obvious that these songs were
written with intentionality and purpose and this
album is a window into the heart that God has
for His people.
Gerod Bass
Worship leader in Tacoma, WA. Mentor with Worship
Catalyst. Singer, songwriter, guitarist with a passion
for impacting lives for the sake of the Gospel.
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