NOW HEAR THIS | Gerod Bass
The Work Vol. 1
a Hallelujah” which powerfully proclaims the
victory that Christ won on the cross and the
Daniel Bashta led, “Drenched in Love” which
is a celebratory and raucus combination of
“Nothing But the Blood” and “There’s Power In
the Blood” that work very well together.
Songs like “Promises Never Fail”, “Every
Crown”, “Living Hope” and “Victory is Yours”
hold fast to the “hope-in-the-midst-of-the-
struggle” theme that is the foundation the
album and are all solidly written songs of
vertical praise.
Raise a Hallelujah
2. Goodness of God One of the things I really loved about this 2. As A Saint
3. Ain’t No Grave album is that not every song sounds like the 3. Heartbeat
4. Stand In Your Love one before it. That is especially true in the case 4. What Are We Waiting For?
5. Victory Is Yours of my favorite track, “Ain’t No Grave” led by 5. The Work (it Ain't Easy)
6. There Is a Name Molly Skaggs (Yes Ricky’s lil girl). This song is a 6. Less Of Me
7. tremendous modern adaptation of a southern 7.
8. Praise Is the Highway spiritual originally made famous by Johnny 8. Do Not Be Afraid
9. Drenched in Love Cash that speaks about how there is nothing in 9. This Is Holy Ground
10. Every Crown this world that will hold us in the grave because 10. The Simple Truth
11. How Great a King of what Jesus did. The slide guitars, funky bass 11. Invisible
12. Christ Is Risen lines and that down-home bluesy feel mixed 13. Living Hope with Skagg’s outstanding vocals make this my Former frontman and founding member of The
14. Endless Alleluia favorite song of the year so far. City Harmonic, Elias Dummer’s debut solo
Promises Never Fail
project, The Work Vol 1. is a bold and beautiful
Finding true hope amidst the struggles of life Victory is a confident declaration of truth over collection of 11 thoughtful worship songs that
is something that we all seek no matter what hopelessness, a prophetic statement in the primarily focus on the importance of worship
season of earthly existence we currently reside storm of adversity, and a battle-cry when facing and discipleship as we seek the heart of God.
in. We all face anxiety, stress, fear of the future the impossible and a wonderful collection of and a myriad of confusion and pain in this world triumphant worship that people around the The album follows a successful near decade run
as we search for the answer to it all. It is for those world need to be singing. with The City Harmonic whose out-of-the-box
sound helped birth such hits as “Manifesto”,
of us who are in this place of uncertainty that
the songs of Bethel’s newest release, Victory, The variety of musical scenery and ratio of are written for. The 14 song collection contains female to male lead worshippers stood out some of the newest and best from the Redding, and kept the album interesting and fresh Our identity in Christ is one of the central
Ca. based worship collective and includes such throughout. Bethel obviously spent a great deal themes of this album and nowhere is that
artists as, Daniel Bashta, Molly Skaggs, Josh of time selecting which songs and leaders to more evident than on the acoustic and emotive
Baldwin, Paul McClure and Cory Asbury. put on this collection and by doing so have opener, “Enough”. Here Elias reminds us that
given the church one of their best albums. Go the love Christ has for us is not all based on
Some of the standout cuts include, “Raise
“Holy (Wedding Day”, and “Maranatha”.
get it.
March 2019
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