[WM] Kalley, I don’t think I’ve ever asked, how
did you end up at Bethel?
[Kalley Heiligenthal] At the time my
husband and I were working at this church.
I had kind of given up worship but I always
knew I wanted to do ministry, and then all of
the sudden the Lord started breaking out in
worship in this youth group! Long story short,
my husband and I just kind of looked at each
other and realized, this is messy, we don’t know
what this is, but we never want to go back to
any sort of ministry or walk with the Lord that
doesn’t have life like this!
We were so desperate to learn from people
who were further along than we were, and we
heard about Redding. I think for me, the fact
that it was in a church was really significant.
So, we just kind of found ourselves out here,
thought it would be nine months to a year in
the school of ministry, no more, and nine years
later we’re still here. (laughs) That’s kind of the
long and short of it. We just wanted more of the
Lord, to know how to host His presence.
[WM] As I was listening to “Every Crown” I
was struck by your ability to worship vertically
but also invite people in at the same time, which
is a really unique quality. Have you always
worshipped like this or was this something that
I was getting ready for a service, it’s like 8:00am, than here? He’s my prize, would you bring him
and out of the blue He cuts me off and says, to me too?” At this point I was ready to break,
“Kalley, do you know what offering I want from overwhelmed because that’s not who I saw in
you today more than anything?” As a worship front of me. I saw other things. I’ve learned to
leader of course I wanted to know, and He said, look and to cherish.
perhaps developed over time? “See that person in the front row who is digging in her purse trying to find a tissue? Will you It confronted me because I realized that I had
[Kalley] Wow, I’ve never heard that before, bring her to me?” She’s my greatest treasure.” not accounted for that in my worship leading.
My eyes welled up with tears, I was so caught What He wants and what part of what I can
off guard, and I said, “I’ll do all I can”. And then bring. If I want to minister to the heart of God,
He said, “Just one more thing. Do you see that and if His people are His prize, I have to regard
guy in the back row whose arms are crossed a congregation as His, and speak to them
and looks like he would rather be anywhere like they’re His bride. When I sing alongside
thank you, I’m gonna chew on that! That
means more than I can say, but in a sense, it
falls in line with some of what I’ve been looking
at with the Lord.
His beloved, part of my worship to Him is my
For a long time in my life I looked at worship and
regard for her.
thought, “Vertical, vertical!” And it is, it’s falling in
love with Him, it’s bringing Him an offering. But
[WM] You don’t enter into victory without first
I think I probably hid behind that unfortunately
having entered into battle. Between fire, death,
somewhat. Maybe some wounds, maybe
and adoption, this past season has been about
some mistrust, maybe from insecurity around
refining, breathing life into dry bones, and
what people don’t like. I don’t know if all of that
second chances…
was the purest kind of vertical expression, and
then one day the Lord stopped me, and it was
kind of a big process.
Bethel Music // “Every Crown”
Sung by Kalley Heiligenthal
March 2019
[Kalley] Yes, yes!
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