By Doug Doppler
"This gospel is not haphazard, it is not a community. Strengthened by the journey and In listening to this album, one can’t help
Russian Roulette, it's not a guessing game; It not just the outcome, Bethel Music’s latest but be struck by the number of amazing
is the absolute nature of God revealed through release VICTORY truly reflects their heart of worship leaders who have found their way to
his goodness and his kindness. And what is worship as well as the depth of the Bethel Redding, CA to be part of the Bethel Music
necessary is for the people of God to rise to the Music collective. team. With admirers who include the likes of
occasion to face the impossibilities of life with Tori Kelley, Kalley Heiligenthal’s inspirational
the confidence of God’s character, His nature, leading on “Ever Be” is wonderfully vertical
and His promise. There is no other option. We yet gently inclusive at the same time. In
are called to this. This is our responsibility, it is the following interview we got a chance to
our privilege." - Bill Johnson retrace the journey that brought Kalley to
Redding, unpack the season that formed the
Over the past year, the Bethel, Redding family
backdrop for VICTORY, and get her take on
united in victory as the devil did his best to kill,
steal, and destroy their loved ones, joy, and
Bethel Music’s latest!
Bethel Music // The Power of Praise –
The Miracle of Jaxon’s Healing
March 2019
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