Nicole McClean
Highlands. I think if you do that, the Lord sees purpose. I think that what everyone is looking Growth Track has helped us to grow the creative
that, and in His infinite wisdom He is going to for is their purpose. I also think that in the local team by simply giving people the chance to say,
use the songs that He wants to use to impact church, specifically in the worship ministries, “Hey, I think I’m a creative person, I think I could
the world. I think it’s just staying true to what a lot of times we find the best musicians, the write a song or play guitar.” And a lot of the
your mission and your calling is for. There’s no best vocalists, the best worship leaders, and folks we have coming through the Growth Track
bones about it, we are a local church worship what happens a lot of times is that we set it are looking for somebody to see their potential
team. We believe that these songs can have and then want to forget about it. If you really and to help them take their next step. I think
impact beyond our church, but we’re going to read through the scriptures, the heart of God is that’s been a huge part of how Growth Track
write them for our church first. not that there are a select few people who are has specifically built our creative team. We have
made to be leaders in ministry. folks with a wealth of talent and creativity inside
[WM] I’ll make no bones about it, I’m a huge
them, and it just takes somebody to see them
fan of Growth Track, so I’d love to hear how God’s heart is for everyone to have a purpose and say, “Let’s go to a worship rehearsal!” or,
some of the ways that has impacted what and make a difference in the world. When it “Let’s go create a video!” – the possibilities are
you do, how it has framed the ‘creative team comes to worship ministry we have this desire endless. Growth Track has really become a
experience’ and process there? to be excellent, we have this desire for everyone front door into our worship and creative teams,
to be on the click, in perfect pitch, the tone is it’s been amazing to see what God’s done with
[John] I think that Growth Track is amazing good, the band is tight, and so it’s easy for us it.
because it’s a clear path through some basic to turn into a club rather than a community. decisions that need to happen in life. You need There’s a difference between a club and a [Chris] Once you’ve gone through the Growth
to figure out who you are, you have to figure community, a club is closed, it’s exclusive... it’s Track and indicated what you’re interested in
out what you were made for, and then… you hard to get into. But a community’s heart is to worship, we have a little audition process. Then
have to set out on a path to really fulfill your grow, and expand, and to reach new levels. we funnel them into the development process
March 2019
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