cheering on the younger generation, a safe choice but to do that at Highlands, is to create our art impact the world around us. Can you tell
place to write a bad song, you know? new opportunities for people. I’m sure there are us how you balance writing songs that direct
tons of churches, and we deal with it day in and people upwards, while balancing the human
It’s pretty wide spread in the worship community day out, where there’s somebody who is really desire to want to see them have impact outside
that sometimes we let our craft and our music caught up in their opportunity, and they want the four walls of your nineteen campuses?
create our identity a little too much. I think to have that opportunity. But we have to keep it’s just part of the creative mindset. We pour reminding everybody that we’re about fulfilling [John] The first thing that we had to decide as
so much into the songs that we write, or are Ephesians 4. We’re here to equip the saints to Highlands Worship, is that we’re Church of the
leading from the stage, that we forget that our do ministry – not to do it just ourselves. So, I Highlands, that’s what we exist for. You’re right,
identity is not actually in the music we create think it’s all about creating those environments. we want to see these songs impact the world.
or write. Our identity is obviously in the Lord. In our songwriting sessions, we’ll bring in some In fact, it’s part of the reason we like Worship
When we get that confused and let our identity of our young staff, some of our key volunteers, Musician magazine – because of the resources
come from how many songs we’re writing or and just let them be a part of it. Even if they you provide to other churches, people are
how much time we’re spending on the worship don’t contribute they’re still getting valuable getting great thoughts about worship from you
platform, we tend to hoard those opportunities experience in crafting new songs. guys.
[WM] The album is filled with lovely songs But first and foremost, the thing that we have to
that have warmth and sincerity. That said, as focus on is the fact that we’re here to serve our
creatives we often have a strong desire to see local church, we’re here to serve Church of the
to ourselves… because we’re trying to fill the
need for identity.
The key to growing your team, and we have no
March 2019
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