[Brian] I think it all starts with just that
communication and a real relationship. You can
read a to-do list, or read a book on how to lead,
but you just start hanging out with the people.
We do team nights, have fire pits, or whatever,
and it’s kind of off the grid. It’s not connected
per se to me teaching you, or you being under
my leadership. It’s on a friend level where
you’re just hanging and you’re getting to know
people outside of work. But it is intentional,
because when you do that (and it’s like when
we’re on the road and hanging out on a tour
bus the whole time), we find it is way easier to
lead something, or lead people, if the buy-in is
at a relational level and not just a work level. I
would say lean more into the family category
and less into the team category, like a fifty-fifty.
Maybe once a month you’re hanging out and
you’re not talking about work. To me that is a
huge benefit, and we’ve seen a huge benefit
from doing that in our own world. Some of our
best people got there because of that type of
[WM] People tend to forget that a leader like
yourself is a leader and a team member as
well. In the busyness of the times we live in, it
is easier then ever to end up in a rut, perhaps
without even realizing you are. What are your
thoughts about staying healthy, and noticing
when you’re straying from healthy? Jenn & Brian Johnson [Brian]] I think it’s important to set up some something were to happen I can just text and [Brian] This whole book, writing to those
say, “Hey, here’s what’s going on, and how I’m people that are in hell right now, going through
feeling…” and they know exactly what’s going it, going through the pain… I’m just reaching
on. Getting that off your chest eliminates years out to say you’re not alone, you will get through
of heartache. So I think it’s important to just get this. I remember saying when I was going
real, finally get real with people, and then you’ll through it, that there is not any amount of
find out that wait, I’m not alone. Accountability money that I wouldn’t pay to have this leave.
groups have to be more than just a “Oh you If I had a billion dollars and if I paid that and
struggle with the same thing I struggle with, this feeling would leave I would have done it.
let’s hold hands and struggle for the rest of That’s an extremely desperate place to be in,
our lives together!” kind of thing. I think it’s but I would just like to encourage everyone that
important to have people that you can talk to Gods got this, God has this. There is something
about anything, who are close to you and who so amazing at the end of this. Some of our
understand you. worst times in life, when we get through it, there
touch points with people before you feel
yourself getting unhealthy, so you have that
relational connection. I have a couple guys in my
life who I could tell anything to and it wouldn’t
shock them. That removes the fear and the
shame from the equation because we’ve set
our relationship up ahead of time so the lines
are clear. I would say you always need to have
someone in your life that you can talk to who
gets you, and there is no shame involved, they
get why you do what you do. Personality tests
are super important, right? Because it teaches
us who we are, why I do what I do? When I’m
not doing good what do I go to? My friends
know what the things are that I go to if I’m not
doing good, if I’m in an unhealthy spot. Then if
is just this unbelievable reward that happens. I
[WM] Is there anything else that’s on your just want to encourage everyone that is a reality
heart to share about the book? waiting for them!
March 2019
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