on our lives and our situation, it resets a lot of care and feeding tends to look quite different. to get the strength of the ox without the mass.
things. It resets motivation, it resets ambitions, What is some practical advice for senior and I think that in order to have something great,
it just resets why we’re doing what we’re doing. campus pastors in terms of caring for worship you’re going to have messes. Where there is
So as much as I wouldn’t wish it on my worst and tech team leaders? life, there are messes. The cemetery has order.
enemy, I think it’s important that we all get to a
But where there’s life, in a birthing stall, there
place in life where for once God becomes our [Brian] I’m one of those guys that’s not super are messes, and there’s life. We’ve learned
only option. assertive. I don’t need to be in charge. That through the years that some of our greatest
doesn’t feed my ego. I’m one of those guys strength comes from passionate people. The
[WM] Book titles can be lofty and fluffy, but who raised their hand because there was a thing is with passionate people it can be like a
given who your Dad is and the impact that need maybe. I’m kind of a mix – one needs to roller coaster ride. But as leaders you’ve got to
your life has had on your team and the church, shut his mouth more and the other one needs be strong and realize that you’ve got to be up
“When God Becomes Real” is quite revealing. to speak up more. So, I’ve had to learn to for that, you’ve got to be up for working with
If you’re ‘at risk’, it kind of implies that we all communicate along the way, to speak up more. people that are emotional and passionate.
are, right? I’ve learned that if you are a Type A personality where you need to be in charge and you always [WM] A lot of people join a team soon after
[Brian] I think so, but let’s not fear it, you are the one talking. I think it’s important that you they start attending a church. How long do you
know. The idea is that we’re not alone, we’re all allow other people to communicate. And, you suggest people get planted before joining a
in this together, and a lot of people go through listen to them. You don’t need to get the credit team?
this. I remember as a seven-year old, I didn’t all the time. It’s important to let people become ‘do anything’, but I had my first major panic big in your environment and not control them [Brian] I’m not sure I know the answer, I think
attack. I think we’re all in this together in that and not have it be a competition. But if you’re each one would be a different thing. I think for
anything could happen to any one of us. like me, more of my personality, I think it’s us it’s less about a time period and more about
important to assert yourself and make sure that whether they are ‘in’ yet. Do they get it, are
you are communicating along the way. they going to be loyal, are they going to serve
[WM] People tend to project a lot of things onto
leaders, often lumping them into one category
the vision? I think that we get a bit controlling
that has a lot of built-in expectations. I’ve found A lot of what we went through, in the early days in church life in general, like, “Unless you do
that leaders tend to fall in two main categories: especially, was just from me not communicating exactly what I say!” So, on a heart level do they
aspirational leaders who seek out leadership for clearly. Not reminding everyone of what we’re get it, are they in this for as good a reason as
a range of reasons, and accidental leaders who doing and why we’re doing it, because I possible? Are they in a place to receive input
put up their hand when a need arose. These thought everyone should just get it. There’s a and critique? That’s a big one for us. Are these
tend to be different personality types, whose verse in Proverbs that says you’re not going songwriters in a position right now to be able to
co-write with other people and receive input?
And if they’re not, then that is not a good fit. We
always like to have them co-lead when they first
start on the team, or shadow someone, and
you can see and find out a lot about them when
they’re in that position. Because at the end of
the day we’ve got to be serving, or have a heart
to serve something other than just ourselves all
the time. So, I like to put them through a time
where they don’t have to be the person where
all the weight is on them, but where they can
serve something. And you can see a lot about
someone in that serving process.
[WM] What is your advice for worship and
tech leaders in terms of developing a culture of
care for the people that serve on their teams?
Bill Johnson
March 2019
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