on, as the foundation as opposed to a pillar or group with Jeff Lorber and Edward Hart, which saying, “No, I want you to do instrumental
a brick in the building, then you’re in the right involved more traveling. music.” My excuse was, “I don’t play jazz!”
place. If you look at it as something you do or
So what I did was a series of demos for a sax
something that you’re adding in… you’re going Realize that what you’re doing is not just by player that I was producing. His deal fell out,
to have some problems. happenstance, but you have to see yourself so I took the demos and it got me a record
as called to do something. Being a worship deal. I was nominated for a Grammy on my first
[WM] Given the scope of your career, what musician, being a guy on the road, a session record. Then I was a featured artist on the first
is your perspective on all the amazing things guy, whatever you’re doing… realize that Soul Train awards, which was kind of neat.
you’ve done? you’re called to be there. You’re not just there
by happenstance.
So I knew this was the direction I’m supposed
[Paul] I feel like I’m living the dream, but I also
to be going, and it’s just gone from glory to
feel like I’m doing what I’m called to do. If the [WM] You’re also a Grammy-nominated solo glory. At this point playing all over the world,
focus of your life is the Kingdom of God, and artist! Tell us about that journey? and with the last record I had two number one
you make that the focus and the center point
songs on Jazz radio. It’s just been an amazing,
which everything emanates from… and you ask [Paul] Well, same kind of story. I had bought amazing adventure. The current CD Stories
God to lead and He leads you in a direction, some recording gear and started writing songs from Stompin’ Willie is still doing well. I released
you’ll feel like you’re called to be there. and doing things, and thought I wanted to put a CD with Jeff Lorber and Edward Hart called
an R&B band together. But, I heard this voice Life and Times, and that’s doing really well. Like
For example, I used to get motion sickness, I said, it started with the leadership of the Holy
and I released a solo record which was going Spirit to make a paradigm shift in the type of
to involve me traveling a lot. I was on the way music I was writing.
to the store to pick up my normal load of
[WM] Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Dramamine so I could fly, and the Holy Spirit
said, “You don’t need this anymore.” So, I
flew to Atlanta, I had it with me, I didn’t take [Paul] Yes, one more thing! It’s what my old
the pills and I didn’t get sick. I flew back and pastor E.V. Hill used to say, “In anything you
I didn’t get sick. And that was like two years endeavor to do, work as hard as you can as
ago, so the Lord healed me because He knew if there was no God. And then after you’ve
I would have to travel with the success of the done everything you can do, trust God like you
new CD. And then, subsequently joining the haven’t worked!”
With Ray Parker Jr.
The Science of Rhythm Guitar
“The Workout” // Xotic Compressor Demo
It’s a Shame, Live with Abe Laboriel Jr.,
Tom Brooks, & Vinnie Colaiuta
Never Too Much, Live
March 2019
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