best Country player per se, but I have a great that I know well, the things I’d like to use more, Life. So that’s the first thing. The Bible says that
Country guitar app. So, I use it, and I turn the and the things that I think they are going to we should trust the Lord with all of our hearts,
kids on to it, like, “Hey, you want to learn to play need, that’s what I throw at them. don’t lean to our own understanding, and that
country guitar? Here ya go!”
we should acknowledge Him in all of our ways
[WM] You’ve had a full-on career that spans and He will direct our path. The Bible says that
I am not an amazing fingerpicker like Doyle decades. What advice do you have for not only the steps of a righteous man are ordered by
Dykes or Tommy Emmanuel. I can some, but maintaining your faith, but also creating enough God. The Bible says in Matthew 6:33, seek ye
I’m not on that level, but I bought books and margin to keep growing as a believer? first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness
I can read, so I work on it so I can have them
and the things that we need will be added to
work on it. These are things that they’re going [Paul] Realize that every good gift and every us. So, if you look at your faith as the source as
to need. So that’s how I approach it – the things perfect gift comes from above from the Father of opposed to an addition or something you add
March 2019
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