[ Darlene ] Well , yeah . We ’ ve done one called “ Yes Again ,” and I had a revelation quite a few years ago about Abraham and Isaac . And when God called Abraham to go up to the mountain before all that , God calls Abraham and he says , hanani , which means , “ Before I know what you ’ re going to ask me , God , my answer is yes .” And God says , “ Now take your son , your only son , and let ’ s go on this journey .” And so that ’ s been rolling around in me . I wrote a whole album , Here I Am , Send Me . It was all around this thought of “ Yes Again ,” of saying yes . So this song , we sat down with Lindy Coffer and Mitch Wong and Dustin Smith , all four of us are great friends . And I was talking to them about this continual yes and yielding . How do we continue to say yes . And so that it says , some churches won ’ t sing it because it says “ whether I live , whether I die .”
So those two lines , they ’ re going to knock some churches out .
( Singing ) All that is beautiful , Christ , whether I live , whether I die , to your name be glory , Jesus , I give all of my life all living sacrifice . I say yes again , I say yes again .
So it ’ s this whole song wrapped around consecration and just we were talking through our personal situations where we all felt God was requiring us to yield further and say yes again and the sacrifice that it will take . And it was so exciting . But the song didn ’ t take too long to write because we were all living in this wrestle of surrender .
[ WM ] That ’ s a good way to put it .
[ Darlene ] That ’ s a good way to put it . And so that ’ s where “ Yes Again ” has come from , and I pray that it helps people . ( tearing up ) Sorry , I ’ m a little bit teary this morning .
[ WM ] That ’ s OK . No worries . Thank you for your heart . Lastly , I wanted to ask you who would you cite as your female musical influences as a young girl ?
[ Darlene ] Well , that is a good question . As a young girl , I got saved at 15 , but I was working full time in music from 10 on , singing songs , recording eight songs a week from 10 years old . So I had a very broad exposure to music . I mean , of course , my age , I loved the girls from Abba . ( laughs ). I loved when I started , my mother would always be playing music in the background . And my mother and father started in church . They went away for a bit , and then they came back . But Evie Tornquist , Amy Grant of course , the girls from Second Chapter of Acts . I listen to their voices and what they do . I love background , I love
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