Worship Musician Magazine September 2024 | Page 22

goes worldwide . Your thoughts ?
[ Darlene ] Because I saw what God did with “ Shout ,” it kind of left . I say it left my mouth and it left my life . It just took things . This is before anything before these tools that we have now . And so , I do get a bit antsy around , I guess worship leaders who are not connected to a local church . Who are in a system of trying to promote songs that the local church haven ’ t had the opportunity to test , to embrace , to see Christ through these songs … what this worship is about . So , I guess when I ’ m talking to younger leaders of worship , et cetera , I ’ m always saying , remember that worship is not a genre .
It is not something that is for sale . Worship is sovereign and holy unto God . And when we start to try to manipulate , or coerce , or tell people what is truthful worship , then we ’ ve got to be very , very careful . Look , all throughout scripture , the Lord asks all of us , so I ’ m not being the Jesus police here . I ’ m talking to myself always , but the Lord asks all of us to look at the state of our heart . The whole of scripture goes back in church on the weekend . We were looking at Saul and David , and even in all of their mistakes , how Saul was not repentant , and David was repentant . How could God call David a man after his own heart after willfully murdering and committing adultery ? Yes , his heart always leaned toward the things of God . And it ’ s the thing that in the end , totally set them apart . At the end .
A heart is deceitful above all things and out of it flows the issues of life . So , we have to continually come before the Lord and say , “ Here ’ s my heart . What am I doing around the worship of God ?” It ’ s not the worship of us . And then a lot of the marketing and all of that , they ’ re filled with amazing spirit-filled Christian believers . It ’ s fantastic . But the line , I don ’ t think the line is narrow . I think the line is clear . I think it ’ s clear . It ’ s like don ’ t cross it because you ’ re stepping into territory that is not yours to take . That ’ s right . And glory . When you receive glory , we are meant to carry it . We ’ re meant to give it .
We ’ re meant to bring it , but we ’ re not meant to ingest it . And when you do it , it ’ s only a matter of time before you blow up . Right ? It ’ s reserved for Christ alone .
[ WM ] Right . It ’ s Ichabod . The glory of the Lord has departed !
[ Darlene ] That ’ s right . Yes , that ’ s exactly right . So , I guess I ’ m saying there is a place for it , but in the end , you are the steward of your heart , and that is what you need to protect , right ? So that you can be clean before the Lord with whatever it is you ’ re doing .
[ WM ] Well , were there any extraordinary events that you feel comfortable sharing about that inspired you to write the new songs on the new project ?
22 September 2024 Subscribe for Free ...