Worship Musician Magazine September 2023 | Page 38

months to travel back to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls , so you and your team should take all the time you need .
After you ’ ve gotten used to playing with a click track , you can start utilizing tracks ! We love Playback because it allows you to rent songs without needing to buy them . This is perfect because it gives your team access to a vast library of songs each and every week ! Also , throw in a couple of our other resources like RehearsalMix and ChartBuilder , and your entire team will have everything they need to successfully rehearse .
CHAPTER 5 : OVERCOMING CHALLENGES WITH ADAPTATION AND LEARNING In Nehemiah ’ s journey , opposition arose in various forms . Worship Leaders , too , will encounter challenges during the transition . Resistance to change , technical glitches , or uncertainties about new roles can create discouraging roadblocks . Like Nehemiah ’ s determination , Worship Leaders should address these challenges with patience and resilience . When the going gets rough , you can provide resources , training , and support to help the team navigate through difficulties . Take your time and be flexible on the date you decide to introduce tracks in a service . If you rush this step , it could be very discouraging to you and your team .
Nehemiah ’ s flexibility in adapting to changing circumstances was vital . Worship Leaders should continuously seek feedback and be open to adjustments . As the team gains experience with in-ears and running tracks , refine the process based on what works best for your congregation ’ s worship experience . Encourage a culture of learning and growth , just as Nehemiah adapted his strategies to overcome challenges .
Remember the point of all this was to guide your congregation in worship . Worship lifts the name of Jesus above all else , not the name of your team or the sound of your band . It ’ s good to keep your ear close to the ground and consistently evaluate how your team and congregation are responding to the changes you pioneered . Speak with your sound engineers to get their perspective on the changes . Be prepared for positive and negative feedback .
CHAPTER 6 : CELEBRATING THE PROGRESS Upon completing the walls , Nehemiah led the people in a celebration of their achievements . The worship choir gathered , and their praise was heard from miles away ! Talk about a loud mix . Similarly , Worship Leaders should celebrate milestones in their transition to using tracks . Acknowledge the team ’ s efforts , growth , and successful implementation of new technology . This celebration not only boosts morale but also encourages the team to continue striving for excellence . A win for your team is a win for the church !
Just as Nehemiah ’ s leadership led to the restoration of Jerusalem ’ s walls , modern Worship Leaders can guide their teams into a transformative worship experience utilizing tracks . By assessing the situation , casting a vision , and building a united team that implements the transition strategically , Worship Leaders can pave the way for a more immersive and impactful worship experience every Sunday . In both cases , effective leadership , vision , and perseverance are keys to success . Remember to have fun and enjoy every moment ! Check back with us at MultiTracks . com for all the tools and resources you ’ ll need on this journey !
Our latest training course for Playback is now on the website and is completely free ! Scan the QR and start using Playback today .
Joshua Taliaferro Joshua is on the Marketing Team at Multitracks . com . He manages the social media channels and loves creating content to help Worship Leaders innovate and lead with excellence .
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