Worship Musician Magazine September 2023 | Page 37

click track before ?
• Are there any musicians on your team that would feel opposed to this change ?
After you ’ ve finished answering these questions , it ’ s time to craft a vision for your team and church .
CHAPTER 2 : CASTING THE VISION Nehemiah ’ s vision of rebuilding the walls ignited enthusiasm among the people . Likewise , worship leaders must cast a compelling vision for integrating MultiTracks . Share with your team how MultiTracks can enhance the worship experience , create a more immersive environment , and allow them to explore new musical dimensions . Communicate the potential impact on both the congregation and the worship team , fostering excitement and unity .
Nehemiah made sure to have the approval of the King . You must also sit down with your leaders and cast your vision . Everything we do in the house of the Lord should improve our unity , not divide us . Therefore , you ’ re going to need the support of your pastoral team . Trust us , this will be integral to your success .
CHAPTER 3 : BUILDING THE TEAM Congratulations ! You ’ ve cast your vision , and now you need to follow up . Set up some time to engage with each team member and assess where they ’ re at . To proceed you will need your entire team on board . Remember , the goal of this transition is to unify them under one purpose : providing uplifting and excellent times of worship for your congregation . You simply can ’ t do that if your team begins to divide .
Remember that ministry moves at the speed of your relationships , not at the speed of your tenacity .
Nehemiah assembled a diverse group of individuals to work together on the walls . Although it ’ s easy to skip over the list of the workers he assembled , I find it so inspiring that he knew all of their names and all of their gifts ! Similarly , Worship Leaders must build a cohesive team for their transition to using tracks . Identify on your team which members have technical expertise , a heart for worship , and a willingness to learn . Remember that ministry moves at the speed of your relationships , not at the speed of your tenacity . Having a hard time with this step ? Don ’ t worry , that ’ s really common . This is when you call in your pastoral team to help you have the necessary talks with your team . ( This is why you won over your pastoral team first !)
CHAPTER 4 : IMPLEMENTING THE TRANSITION Nehemiah strategically divided the wall-building process . Similarly , Worship Leaders can phase in MultiTracks gradually . You can even start with Pad Player in Playback ! This approach allows the team to adjust at their own pace and build confidence in using MultiTracks effectively .
The process is simple when you get to this point , and all you are going to need is time . First , you will need to set up extra rehearsals to teach your team how to play with a click . This is by far the most difficult step in the entire musical process . Unless your team has played with click elsewhere , this may be their first time even hearing a metronome . Go easy on them and give yourself a long runway to teach the team . Our suggestion is to use Playback in rehearsal and run the sound of the click track through a monitor . You don ’ t need in-ears or tracks for this part , you and your team just need to learn how to play within the confines of a fixed tempo . This may take weeks , but that ’ s fine because it ’ s worth it . It took Nehemiah
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