Worship Musician Magazine September 2020 | Page 97

apply ourselves and strive to get better but at the root of it all this can be very simple. I love helping realize that. They feel empowered and equipped when they have that foundation. [Brian Michael Fuller] I love encouraging and mentoring worship musicians and church leaders. I also love making music. It’s the best of both worlds. [WM] You recently produced the Worship Manual, Volume 2. Can you tell us a bit about that? [Brian Wahl] The Worship Manual is basically a 101 crash-course for worship leaders. So many of us get jobs as worship leaders and don’t really have any idea how to do it well – because nobody taught us. And furthermore, many times nobody in our circle of influence really knows how to do the job well. That is why we made the Worship Manual. Many people might not realize that Fuller was formerly Bradford and my boss, and he’s been a mentor to both of us. The Worship Manual is really everything that Fuller has learned over a career in worship ministry distilled down into ten to fifteen-minute long videos. Volume 2 gets really practical – how to run a rehearsal, how to implement technologies like click tracks and MultiTracks, etc. [Brian Michael Fuller] In my experience, no one ever really teaches you how to do a great job leading a worship team so we thought we would step in and make the ‘missing manual’ for what to do when you get that job! I wish I would have had it fifteen years ago! Most churches hire worship leaders, give them an office and say, “Do a great job!” So, we wanted step in and help take it from there to show them everything else! We love worship, and we want everyone, everywhere to be equipped to do it well. We’re just here to share what we’ve learned and hopefully inspire a generation of leaders! [WM] You have a vision under which everything you guys do has to fall under. I love that, can you share your insights on what that vision is, how you came up with it, and how that has helped guide your path to success? [Brian Wahl] Our vision is that every church in the world would have worship experiences that are excellent and authentic. We chose these words very carefully. You can achieve excellence and authenticity without any budget for it. You can do it while leading a small group of ten people or in a room full of thousands. Excellence and authenticity apply to churches of every culture, every denomination, and in any location in the world. These two things are Biblical, and they are extremely important. This vision has helped us tremendously. Every time we create a new product or a new video, we ask ourselves if it helps fulfill that vision. Does it help people lead churches with excellence? Does it help them do it more authentically? And if we can continue to create things that help churches and volunteers lead better, I believe that God will continue to bless what we are doing at Worship Tutorials. [WM] Congratulations again! WorshipTutorials.com Sign up for the Giveaway September 2020 Subscribe for Free... 97