Worship Musician Magazine September 2020 | Page 96
‘general purpose’ patches. Sometimes we’ll
do something really unique in a song patch,
and that will spark some interest. The ‘This Is
Amazing Grace’ patch comes to mind. The
verse sections have a really cool sound to them,
and I like to think we nailed it with that one.
[WM] How long does it take to create a patch
from the ground up?
[Brian Wahl] We usually spend weeks –
sometimes more. We like to build it out initially
and then we take a break from it. Often when
we come back there are things that immediately
stick out to us that need to be fixed. Then
we like to use them live to see how well they
translate in that environment.
[Brian Michael Fuller] It helps that we all
use our patches almost every day! We basically
make them for ourselves and then let others
have access. We have always been that way
with all of our products. We make stuff because
we need it. And then we like to share the love!
[Bradford Mitchell] Yeah, we’ve spent a
few weeks on a patch trying to get it everything
to sound right but sometimes it takes just an
afternoon. It’s typically the base tone and
overdriven tones that take us the longest.
[WM] Noting the massive giveaway you’re
doing with them; the Line 6 folks are clearly
aware of what you guys are up to. Can you tell
us about the giveaway and what it means to
[Brian Wahl] We knew that we wanted to
celebrate as we approached this milestone.
Having Line 6 come alongside us like this is just
icing on the cake – they’re such great people,
and they really do desire to give back to the
praise and worship community.
[Bradford Mitchell] We really appreciate the
support of Line 6. They’ve been in our corner
for a couple years now. When we mentioned
hitting 100k downloads to them they were so
stoked for us and that meant a ton!
[WM] What do you enjoy most about what
you do?
[Brian Wahl] Not many people get to do
something they really love for a living. I try to
never take that for granted. We often receive
emails or comments from people who tell us
that the content and resources we have made
have had a huge impact on their lives and have
enabled them to serve their churches better.
Those never ever get old.
[Bradford Mitchell] I love helping people
realize that making excellent and authentic
worship happen at their churches does not
have to be rocket science. We should always
96 September 2020
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