Worship Musician Magazine September 2020 | Page 57

Seriously, don’t be that guy or girl. Leadership starts at the top. Just because you put things in iCal doesn’t mean you are organized. Become an expert at owning your schedule today. 2. SPREADSHEET SOFTWARE – Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers can go a long way in helping you organize your teams. I am including a link to a Basic ‘Two Team Template’ to get you started. Enough with the excuses already. Don’t be late to the party. 3. SERVICE PLANNING SOFTWARE – If you are not currently using a planning software to organize your team and plan your services, you are taking years off your life! Slightly exaggerating, but not by much. I like and use Planning Center Online but there are also some others great ones out there. A simple Google search of ‘church planning software’ will yield all the answers you need. Be blessed. Brian Michael Fuller Brian is a composer, multi-instrumentalist and worship musician who currently serves as the worship leader at several churches in North Carolina. You can hear some of his original production music at www.fullertime.com. www.FullerTime.com Worship Team Rotation Template - Two Teams 2021 Worship Team Rotation 2021 Sunday Schedule TEAM ASSIGNMENTS TEAM A TEAM B TEAM A TEAM B 3-Jan 10-Jan DRUMS Jon Doe Jane Doe 17-Jan 24-Jan PERCUSSION 31-Jan 7-Feb BASS 14-Feb 21-Feb EL GTR 1 28-Feb 7-Mar EL GTR 2 14-Mar 21-Mar AC GTR 28-Mar 4-Apr EASTER AC GTR 2 11-Apr 18-Apr tt 25-Apr 2-May KEYS 9-May 16-May Worship Leader 23-May 30-May Vocal 1 6-Jun 13-Jun Vocal 2 20-Jun 27-Jun Vocal 3 4-Jul 11-Jul Vocal 4 18-Jul 25-Jul Vocal 5 1-Aug 8-Aug Vocal 6 15-Aug 22-Aug 29-Aug 5-Sep 12-Sep 19-Sep 26-Sep 3-Oct 10-Oct 17-Oct 24-Oct 31-Oct 7-Nov 14-Nov 21-Nov 28-Nov 5-Dec 12-Dec 19-Dec 26-Dec CHRISTMAS September 2020 Subscribe for Free... 57