Worship Musician Magazine September 2020 | Page 56

LEADERSHIP BUILDING HEALTHY TEAM ROTATIONS: STOP MAKING EXCUSES (PART 3 OF 3) | Brian Michael Fuller Remember last month’s article, when I said that building multiple teams wouldn’t be easy? Well, I said that because that’s what you were probably thinking. I wanted to validate your fears. However, now let me say this… building multiple teams is actually way easier than you think. Your biggest obstacle will probably be your own self-doubt. When I first started building teams, I was doubting it the whole way. But fortunately, I had a wife that had already done it in another ministry so I know it would work, and secondly, I started to realize how quickly one can build momentum. I approached the entire process of building teams as if I was building a highway. A road that would be miles long, extremely sturdy, and very useful. While I knew it could take a while, I also knew upon completion, it would provide safe travel for any weary traveler that would trek it in the future. I was creating a structure for God to move in great ways through our team. And that, He did! For those brave enough to move forward, I leave you with some hard-earned and valuable advice for you as you begin. May you build your teams faster, safer and smarter than I did. Enjoy. AVOIDING COMMON PITFALLS 1. LACK OF VISION – Proverbs 29:18 reminds us that “Where there is no vision, people perish.” Before you do anything, make sure you have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish. Run it through some filters such as friends, coworkers and leaders. Make sure you know every detail of how this baby is going to unfold so you can ask any questions along the way and reduce pushback. People are more likely to follow you if you know where you are going. Practice casting this vision on your Pastor. 2. LACK OF FORESIGHT – Give a lot of thought to specific challenges you think you may face. What resources will you use? Who on your team may push-back and why? Begin to find the answers to these problems before they arise. 3. LACK OF COMMUNICATION – Once you begin the process, it is critical to make sure that you include everyone on your team in this plan. Not necessarily for their advice, but so that no one feels left out. Over communicate through email and written paper trails. I like to keep things in writing in case someone goes sideways or misunderstands something, it’s always great to be able to go back to written word to help smooth things over. 4. LACK OF FAITH – You cannot do this alone. God wants your team to succeed more than you do! Trust in Him to provide resources and to send specific people to do His Kingdom work. You are not building a company, you are building His kingdom. Let Him handle all the hard stuff. Spend time with God daily to stay on the right path. STACKING YOUR TEAMS - RECRUITING IDEAS 1. EMPOWER CURRENT TEAM MEMBERS – I am surprised how few leaders do this. Simply empower or deputize your current team to help you find new musicians. They probably have friends that are musicians. Put them to work! 2. SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLETS – No brainer. Spread the word. 3. BULLETIN/ANNOUNCEMENTS – Start right at your church stage. During worship tell people you are actively seeking new team members. These people are your biggest fans. They can help you spread the word. Most people think or assume that you don’t need anyone. Numbers 4 and 5 may have to wait a bit due to the virus... 4. VISION/CELEBRATION NIGHTS – Have events that draw people from your community. Fun nights where your team can hang and celebrate with free food and fellowship. I have found many musicians this way over the last decade. Base your theme around artistic things. 5. WORSHIP CONCERTS – Have monthly or quarterly nights of extended worship. You would be surprised at how this can draw out the community. RESOURCES AND TOOLS TO HELP A lot of newly hired worship leaders assume that they will be sitting around arranging music and sipping lattes all day long. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The true office of being an effective ministry leader involves spiritual disciplines, effective interpersonal skills, recruiting, a heavy dose of meetings and administration. The best way to handle this is to become a master of a few tools out there. Here is a list of some easily available tools that you should become really good at using. They will make your job a lot easier and more enjoyable. 1. DAY PLANNER – How can you schedule 30 volunteers if you can’t schedule yourself? 56 September 2020 Subscribe for Free...