Worship Musician Magazine October 2021 | Page 61

I respect David because it was his reflex to worship . He did it over and over again . He did it on the hard days and when there was much to celebrate . David developed a muscle that was to honor the Lord with his words and with his songs . A few years ago I got to go to Hawaii with my family and we took a helicopter ride . While traveling around this mountain where volcanos once erupted , I also saw some of the greenest valleys I ’ ve ever seen . The Psalms came alive for me that day as I saw the green pastures , valleys and then around the corner were beautiful waterfalls . The Psalms aren ’ t just pretty poems written . They are testimonies of God ’ s faithfulness . They are battle songs to build and stir faith .
I believe it ’ s important that we become intentional about the words we are having our kids sing . This world is down-right crazy in these times . How can your time of worship on Sunday equip kids for the battles they will face in the coming weekdays ? There are so many times that I have personally been going through something and needed the vocabulary that was in certain songs to help me fight the fight of faith . The Bible is truth for all of us regardless of our age . There is no junior Holy Spirit . Those things are for every believer . As you research new songs to sing with your kids think about the message of that song . Yes , there ’ s a time and place for a catchy song , that has a great beat and the whole room can dance to . But never forget that God has placed you in your church to lead your group for a reason . You know things that your students are facing . I believe in your ability to hear God ’ s voice and listen to that still small voice as you select songs that are right now songs that your group needs to help them lock-in that the promises of God are true . He is good in every season , regardless of how grim certain situations are . Choose songs that have messages that will shape their theology and give them a specific expression to offer up to the Lord as their offering of worship this Sunday . The songs you sing equip them and build their faith to help them navigate every season while declaring the goodness of God .
© 2021 Yancy Ministries , Inc . Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders . Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world . Her beloved “ Little Praise Party ” series for young kids is Dove Award nominated . Yancy has a passion to serve the Church which is why she created “ Heartbeat ”, a curriculum to teach kids the heart of worship . Her book “ Sweet Sound : The Power of Discipling Kids in Worship ” releases in November . She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville , TN .
YancyMinistries . com