Worship Musician Magazine October 2021 | Page 60

Put His praise on their lips . That is our goal as worship leader for kids . We help them learn what worship looks and sounds like by what we plan and prepare for them each week . The songs you lead aren ’ t just songs . They carry a melody that through the power of music locks in to their memory the truth that is in the lyric .
A number of years back when Dana Key of DeGarmo & Key passed away I kept coming across posts people were writing sharing how “ their music shaped my theology ”. It was then that I understood the gravity of my job as a Christian songwriter to fill my songs with the unshakable truth that is God ’ s Word .
Through my songs I am then helping disciple believers to live their life based on the Word of God . Since I primarily write songs for children that means being intentional and creative in taking those precious spiritual truths that I want them to learn and chopping it up into the right size piece for the age of child that I ’ m presenting that song to .
Vocabulary is such an important ingredient to kids worship . Both within the songs you lead and how you speak to and lead them between songs you must choose your words wisely . If you ’ re leading for preschool ages that will mean you have a more limited vocabulary to work with then those leading preteens . But as worship leader you must be aware of the phase of life they are in and then choose effective ways to communicate with them . With preschoolers I ’ m going to equate worship to ways that we show God love . They know and understand love . They love their favorite plush toy . They love their Grandma . They can comprehend singing to God is a way we show our love . As they enter elementary , I can build upon and expand those ideas . I can year by year keep adding more layers until they are a preteen . I can start to talk to them about showing honor and reverence to God in the posture that we display as we worship . As their vocabulary expands so can mine and the songs we sing .
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