Worship Musician Magazine October 2021 | Page 123

second sound saved as a preset and then you can boost that as well . That ’ s four easily accessible and different levels of gain in this pedal without even changing presets or using MIDI !
CLIPPING OPTIONS The three clipping options really allow the user to change up the flavor of the Lamb . I will not pretend that I completely understand what all this means , but I absolutely can hear what is going on , so I will tell you what I think as we go over them :)
The initial option has quad symmetrical silicone diodes ( cyan mode ). This offers loads of clarity and minimal compression . I have not tried an actual BluesBreaker for myself but everything I hear in this mode reminds me very much of that and sounds so so so natural and delicious . You can really use this mode to get a ton of dynamics with your playing . The gain is so glassy and gritty and instantly sounds like the blues on the neck pickup of a Tele or a Strat .
The next option has symmetrical clipping with dual silicone diodes ( white mode ) which you will hear give you more compression . That means you are going to hear more of that break-up and grit sooner . I found it especially great for higher-gain sounds to keep everything tight .
The last mode ( yellow mode ) “ removes the clipping diodes from the bottom half of the sine wave which creates asymmetrical clipping on the top half of the sine wave .” That is a direct quote from the manual because honestly , I do not know what that means fully ( I ain ’ t ashamed to tell you either ). But what I can say to you is that it sounds GOOD . Lots of headroom , character and dynamics . This is the mode you would leave on all the time to really shape your tone and give it some more character and just accentuate your guitar and amp ; it ’ s that good ! It really can beef up your sound , but it also sounds killer with loads of gain . Swapping these modes around is as easy as pressing and holding the BYPASS button for a half of a second and could easily be accessed in a live scenario .
FAVORITE USAGE This pedal is not just one sound . As mentioned , it ’ s BluesBreaker inspired but with all these knobs and options the sounds are vast and the flexibility is incredible ! I started setting the volume just over unity and the gain low in the blue mode . I found it easy to dial in a bluesy and traditional sound with just a bit of drive and gave my best John Mayer impression . Then I got a nice saturated sound for my leads and rhythm saved as an on-board preset using the white mode and the mid-boost . The added compression kept my sound tight and helped it soar . I could swap between those two and add a boost at any time . The Lamb could easily be your only drive pedal on your board and give you a wide-variety of different tones . Or you could also take a look at their other drive , the Lion for the ultimate JET pedals pairing . Similar in approach but more of hard-clipping distortion . Maybe more on that another time …
$ 329.99 www . JetPedals . com
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