Worship Musician Magazine November 2022 | Page 23

for you to go back in there with a crusade . That ’ s just wonderful ! There seems to be three cornerstones here . Compassion , Evangelism , and Worship . Am I correct ?
[ Billy ] ¡ Right you are , Alejandro ! The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has been primarily focused on evangelism and discipleship since its inception over 70 years ago . Millions of people professed faith in Christ in those years and its ministry is still vital today .
Samaritan ’ s Purse began in 1970 . Its mission follows the example of the Good Samaritan who selflessly helped a wounded traveler along a dangerous highway . The organization searches the world looking for victims of war , famine and natural disaster . In addition to meeting their immediate emergency needs , Samaritan ’ s Purse helps these victims recover and get back on their feet . The organization also has a very strong evangelistic component ; offering the hope of the gospel to people in the darkest moments of their life . A big part of this is Operation Christmas Child . Giving gifts to millions of children in troubled countries all over the world and discipling them through The Greatest Journey .
The work of both organizations is worship . The music part , which I ’ m involved in , comes into play at the Franklin Graham Festivals . Before Franklin preaches the message of salvation , The Tommy Coomes Band and guest artists set the stage with songs of adoration and praise .
Right now , I work with musically gifted staff people to lead worship and encourage the employees at daily devotions .
[ WM ] What ’ s your go-to guitar these days ?
[ Billy ] Right now it ’ s a McPherson Carbon Sable .
[ WM ] Bill , you ’ ve got a long history in music service to the church . You have served as a musician , teacher , worship leader , notable worship songwriter , and in many other capacities . What would you tell young church musicians and worship leaders about the path that God may have for them ?
[ Billy ] This is what I would say to a younger me …
When I was a church kid in high school back in 1968 ( yikes ), I was totally into music but I had no idea how get into a band or perform for people . I was a guitar player who played along with records in my bedroom . I loved all the underground bands of the day and was enthralled by the idea of jazz improvisation . I was hooked by the prevailing counterculture of the late ‘ 60s . Quietly , I built a large record collection of all kinds of music and would sneak off to rock concerts and clubs . My evangelical Christian parents , had they known , would have been freaked out by this stuff . I was a believer who was embarrassed by their conservative church culture . Through a series of personal disappointments and adolescent angst , I was drawn to commit my life to Christ at a summer
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