Worship Musician Magazine November 2022 | Page 22

discipleship and social justice . In the early 18th century , the spiritual life of England was in ruins . Alcoholism was widespread , slavery flourished , scores of people were addicted to gambling . Alcohol abuse led to unwanted pregnancy , child abandonment , high infant mortality rates and family upheaval , were all present . Young children were forced into the horrors of menial and dangerous jobs . There was indifference to the needs of the poor and a climate of general social disintegration .
Hope came with the preaching of John Wesley . Thousands were converted to Christ . People who were formerly destitute were educated and discipled in their newfound faith . Wesley stressed loving God with one ’ s whole heart and loving one ’ s neighbor . Feeding the poor , caring for the sick and teaching the illiterate were seen as inseparable from the message of the gospel . Hospitals , schools , and service organizations were established . The revival cut across denominational lines and touched every class of society . England itself was transformed by the revival .
John ’ s brother , Charles , wrote hundreds of hymns that became overwhelmingly popular with the masses . The hymn texts creatively taught the theology that John Wesley preached and wrote about . The multitude of new believers wanted to learn to read so they could sing Charles ’ songs . They were hungry to be educated so they could read the Bible for themselves . This new-found literacy helped people to get better jobs and climb out of poverty .
Fast forward to just last week ; I just got back from Milan , Italy with Franklin Graham . In early 2020 , the first big outbreak of Covid in the world hit Milan . Samaritan ’ s Purse set up a mobile hospital to help with the overwhelming wave of desperately ill people . People received excellent health care , and many began to get well . As a result , people ’ s perception of the evangelical church in Italy changed because of the work of Samaritan ’ s Purse . The evangelical church in Italy was previously seen as a fringe , cultlike movement . That small community gained a new-found measure of respect in Italy . As a result , an invitation was extended to Franklin Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelical Association to hold an outreach in the city of Milan . Last Saturday our band performed for 14,000 people at this event . There was a great response to the gospel message preached by Franklin . This all came together because of the work of Samaritan ’ s Purse two years before , during the Covid crisis .
[ WM ] I love the backstory here . I love the truth that comes from this . Our Christian witness really does matter ! Because Samaritan ’ s Purse responded to the Covid epidemic in Milan , Italy , with love and compassion , it opened the doors
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