Worship Musician Magazine November 2020 | Page 8

of worship and praise . I honestly believe that God made us different so that we could never live without one another . I intentionally pursue relationship with people who don ’ t look like me ; didn ’ t grow up like me ; doesn ’ t process things like me . I believe those relationships stretch us , expose us , and ultimately mature us ! I am excited about the diversity I ’ m seeing in the church . It ’ s exciting to see God ’ s people being open to different expressions of worship in our churches . I believe we are embarking upon the truth of worshipping God in the “ fullness of who He is .” When I bring my experience of who God is and couple it with my brother ’ s revelation of who God is , we see Christ in a more holistic way !
You Know My Name
[ WM ] Before we get into your new project , I wanted to dip back a couple of years into your discography . Your recording with Jimi Cravity entitled , ” You Know My Name ” is one of the most moving expressions in worship music that I ’ ve ever heard . You co-wrote that song with Brenton ( Brown ). What do you recall about this moment and how has that song ’ s history played out in the church ?
[ Tasha ] “ You Know My Name ” is one of my favorite writing collaborations ! Brenton Brown walked into the writing session full of life and energy . We immediately clicked ! He said , “ I started on this song that I felt would be great . I believe you have some soul in your voice . If you don ’ t like it , no problem at all . He began singing the song and I immediately knew that it would have major impact ! I believe that song speaks to our Christ identity !!
[ WM ] Your new project , Royalty : Live at the Ryman , is a remarkable and massive project of 17 songs . It ’ s a fantastic capturing of songs and worship and continues your penchant for mixing things up . You ’ ve even got banjo and mandolin in the band ! Tell us about the project . I will address some of the individual songs next .
[ Tasha ] This album tells the story of my life with Christ . It ’ s a documentary of my relationship with Jesus Christ . You will find sounds that capture the seasons of my life with Christ . There are songs of joy , songs of hope , and songs of faith . There are songs that tell of Christ ’ s faithfulness towards me in seasons of doubt , seasons of hopelessness , and seasons when my faith was shaken .
[ WM ] Tasha , I have to tell you , song after song on this project is so uplifting . “ You ’ re Gonna Get the Glory ” starts the experience and wow , what an opening track ! The opening visual on the video has you at the top of those hallowed steps leading to the Ryman stage , and the song writing is just fabulous . Tell us about this song .
[ Tasha ] This song is one of my favorites on
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