Worship Musician Magazine November 2020 | Page 105

than just something musical . It ’ s a calling . I truly believe if we have the right heart driving our actions , God will take us higher and higher to be a blessing to many .
Even after we walk off stage with thousands in attendance , having played a great night of worship . Maybe I nailed my solo tonight ? Some might think that ’ s the highlight of the evening , but it ’ s typically not . I truly enjoy the one on one moments God orchestrates where I can impart words of encouragement to someone else . I ’ m positive that this moment and those words will live longer than any solo I could have ever played . I recommend making this your constant prayer . I still do .
“ Lord , make my dreams align with your dreams for me . Lord , align my heart with your heart . Whether it ’ s 40 , 400 or 40,000 people in the crowd , never let me forget that you chose me for a reason and a purpose . You could have chosen anyone else God , but you chose me . Thank You . Amen ”
[ WM ] You ’ re going to be appearing on the
Worship Guitar Show with Chris Rocha , what are some of the things you ’ re excited to share about ?
[ Mike ] Man , there is so much ! Being a live musician ( bass ). Being a studio musician ( bass ). How although it ’ s the same instrument , several things change and both require preparation . Good bass tone , bass pedals , recording bass and how to EQ the bass .
The list goes on and on ! I ’ m so excited and grateful for this opportunity . Thank you !
November 2020 Subscribe for Free ... 105