Worship Musician Magazine November 2020 | Page 103

Mike X Zuniga is best known for his work with Miel San Marcos . A consummate professional , Mike ’ s words of wisdom and heart for worship are every bit as much ‘ in the groove ’ as his playing is .
[ WM ] Tell about your first bass , and was that the first instrument you learned how to play ?
[ Mike X Zuniga ] My first bass was a thing of beauty ! I thought it must have been so expensive because of how much I loved it . It was a red P-Bass with a white pick guard . I honestly don ’ t remember the brand . The funny thing is a couple of years later I found out my Dad had paid $ 160 for the bass , a small amp , the strap and a guitar cable . ( Laughing ) But to me it was the best bass guitar ever !
I actually wanted to learn guitar but then they started to show me , and I said , “ I have to use
all four fingers to play one chord ? There has to be something easier !” They told me , “ Yeah the bass , you use just one finger per note ”.
[ WM ] What are some of the things you know today , about the bass or music in general , that would have helped most when you were coming up ?
[ Mike ] As I was so focused on my instrument , I found myself only listening to myself and fell into the trap of overplaying . Such an un-heard of phenomenon … Ha ! But years later as I began to understand music creation and music production , I grasped a sense of space and how incredible it was to hear how the rest of the band filled those spaces . To experience the call and response of others expressing themselves from what they might have heard from you is amazing !
[ WM ] Who are some of the bass players who influenced you most and why ?
[ Mike ] I always say that Marcus Miller was my biggest influence . He ’ s an incredible player but what I love about him is that his arrangements and parts are so musical . He played things I could actually sit down with , deconstruct , understand and then reconstruct in my own way . So , it wasn ’ t a copy , but truly an inspired moment .
[ WM ] There are lots of great basses out there . What do you look for in a bass and when it comes to really ‘ getting the job done ’ could you do it with something like an inexpensive Fender Squier ?
[ Mike ] I used to be after the super exotic , crazy looking custom basses . But I quickly found out what may look good together , may not sound
November 2020 Subscribe for Free ... 103