Worship Musician Magazine May 2024 | Page 55

stage amp , which many players miss . That ’ s because you must run straight into the PA because you surely can ’ t model a Marshall through a Fender , right ? You must have flat response . This amp has natural warmth , but sounds like a PA . This means an electric player could model through it and use it for their onstage amp , even putting a mic in front of it . We ’ ve tested it that way in loud rock bands and it certainly does work to the hopes of the player . It ’ s surprising and , I don ’ t mind saying this is a case of being luckier that smart because we didn ’ t intend this from the beginning . We just wanted an amp you could play and sing through to a good size crowd , indoors or out .
[ WM ] When I look at the applications for this amp in the setting of a small , medium or even large church … it is like a Swiss Army knife . You can use it also as a portable PA system with its 150 watts … for home Bible studies , Women ’ s meetings , Prison outreach , Kid ’ s and Youth ministries and various church retreats . By adding the Bluetooth feature you have rounded out its feature set and made it even more useful . Did you have this wide range of use in mind when designing the Circa74 or was this more of a good by-product of focusing on simplicity of use and quality of tone ?
[ Bob ] We simply wanted an amp that had quality tone for voice and guitar and could have enough power and speaker capability to cover a large space . But I have the same thought as you , Bruce , in that it has so many uses , like all you mentioned , plus outdoor weddings of a couple hundred people sitting in rows . And it ’ s beautiful ! We heard the first advanced prototype outdoors at a restaurant during covid when everything was outside . I thought , “ Wow , how many churches doing outside services during covid lock-down could use this if it was ready ?” I made an iPhone video of that , and that video has no tricks . That day secured our fervor to see it through and bring it to market .
[ WM ] From the worship team platform to the church cabin retreat , this amp will serve the ones who use it . We are so glad you have made it ! You have been on a worship team at your church before for many years as a worship guitar player . Looking back at your own involvement as a worship team member ,
do you have any advice for fellow worship musicians ?
[ Bob ] My best advice is to always maintain a cooperative and helpful demeanor . Go for excellence but be generous with those you play with . Some of my best musical experiences were on our worship team playing with generous players much better than me . They taught me . I got better . Practice , do the best you can , because you represent the church when you lead . While it takes some healthy ego to be able to be up there in the first place , it ’ s not all about you . But you are the leader , there ’ s no doubt about that . Walk that line , give credit away . Make the time together worshipful and meaningful .
[ WM ] Well said Bob . Any last thoughts about your new Circa74 amp ?
[ Bob ] Final thought ? Did I mention these amps are beautiful and sound good ? ( laughing ) That ’ s what we wanted .
www . taylorguitars . com
Editor ’ s note : If you are interested in one of these amps try your favorite music store or give us the honor of serving you ! Email me at bruceadolph @ mac . com or try one or our Reverb pages … reverb . com / shop / worshipguitarplayer or AragornGuitars . com
May 2024 Subscribe for Free ... 55