Worship Musician Magazine May 2024 | Page 26

with the church . So , as you know in the industry , there ’ s a number of progressives in our industry . Not everybody is a lover of the church . I ’ m loud and the church is flawed because it ’ s you and I and we ’ re both flawed , we ’ re both a bit crazy . But if I hear any of my friends being negative , it ’ s a good opportunity for me to talk about my story . I ’ m reading a devotional from Tim Keller at the moment out of Psalms , and you look at all the things that David went through , and all the Biblical characters went through . Whenever we go down the road of woe is me , we just need to look at what happened to these guys biblically and I think we ’ re given the answer .
[ WM ] That ’ s right . Well , I ’ m right behind you . I ’ m three score and 13 almost . So in addition to honoring mothers with this movie and their critical importance , it ’ s message of a family that is truly united , and a powerful story to tell this generation , and to remind older generations of as well . Sometimes drama and hardship can bring families together more than ever , which you ’ ve already just mentioned . So what are your thoughts on this ? Again , I know you touched on it in the last answer , but yeah , this movie is just phenomenal , not only for Moms but for families .
[ David ] The tough times drew us all together and encouraged us to work together . And I still remember Joel when he was about eight praying fervently in our room that had no furniture , that the Lord would provide , and then for the family to see the miracles . And then the family ended up doing a lot of the jobs that Americans don ’ t like doing . Helen and Rebecca would clean houses and the boys and I would go out and mow lawns and rake leaves , and it taught us how to work together . One of the things that ’ s always encouraged me about you , Alex , is because of your history , you have an understanding of the DNA of For King & Country . I believe it grew out of those years because they learned to work together . So , Rebecca went on the road then and all her brothers ( because we homeschooled all her brothers ) became part of the tour . Joel was a backup vocalist , Luke was lighting , Ben did video , Daniel did production ,
and Josh did merch .
So they learned how to work together . And then when For King & Country ’ s career started 12 years ago , they ’ d already done their 10,000 hours . You being involved in A & R , you know what happens when a lot of artists get signed . They get a song on the radio and then they ’ re not prepared for their first concert when they get in front of people . And a lot of artists , they get in front of people and then people see them once , will never see them again because the artist wasn ’ t prepared . And in all that craziness , I now believe it was a preparation for my sons .
Rebecca did the hard stuff because she went out there at 16 and I was by her side , but she didn ’ t necessarily have the full support . But when For King & Country came along , you had Daniel then doing their production , Ben doing the film and video , Joel and Luke being the front guys and Josh running the business . And it all came out of , in my mind , those early days of cleaning houses and mowing lawns and learning to work together . And our kids never went to college . I think they went to the college , well , the school of hard knocks and they learned a lot of things .
[ WM ] What can you tell me about the soundtrack for Unsung Hero that ’ s coming out ?
[ David ] Well , it ’ s quite a fascinating thing because it ’ s got a song that ’ s featured in the movie called “ You Make Everything Beautiful ”, which is a Rebecca song . It ’ s got a song with Amy Grant that she sings with them , and a song with Michael W . Smith . There ’ s a Stryper song on there because I toured Stryper in my heyday back in Australia . I toured just about everybody and some of that music represents that season and we put out “ Place in This World ” maybe a month ago , and the people just loved it . Michael W . Smith was so happy to partner with us , the audience , a lot of people came on and said , “ Oh , that song was my favorite song 30 plus years ago , whenever it was for me ”. It ’ s an inspirational piece . And there ’ s another song on there , a cover of an artist in Australia called Johnny Farnham .
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