Worship Musician Magazine May 2024 | Page 17

at the time . So , writing songs was after work . I don ’ t know , it ’ s been so long since we wrote that song , but there was something very natural about it sonically . As far as the sonics of it , I have changed a little bit . I sort of made that more electronic towards a Young and Free sounding thing , to my Americana leaning .
[ WM ] It ’ s R & B . It ’ s an R & B kind of thing .
[ Alex ] Yeah . It was so simple . And I think you laugh about songs you wrote 10 years ago . You look back at a song and you ’ re like , “ That ’ s deeper than I thought at that time .” And what I was experiencing , and I kind of only equate those things to that , is the beauty of creativity . When you are drawing from the Creator , you have the ability to create something that is beyond what I understand . And I say this with as much humility as I can muster , my favorite thing of writing to this day is when you say something that you ’ re like , “ Whoa , I didn ’ t know that was in me ”. And perhaps it wasn ’ t . Perhaps that was just I ’ m doing this journey . I ’ m doing this relationship thing that I ’ m drawing from the source . And yeah , I look back and it was such a simple prayer . “ I looked a million ways that I ’ m now holding to your grace and you fought for me in showing a million ways that nothing could keep your love from me ”. It ’ s such a simple thing .
And in the lyrics of the verses just being conversational in a way with God that I still sort of go like , “ Man , I didn ’ t even know that I talked to God that way in my limited understanding .” I ’ m sure you feel this way , and I am sure in 10 year ’ s time , I ’ m going to feel this way again . That I feel like I just figured out what worship really is . I feel like I just figured out life . I ’ m sure in 10 year ’ s time , I ’ ll laugh at the perspective I had now at how narrow it was . But it is such an encouraging thing to look back and be like , “ What the Lord will do with a heart that is hungry for his presence ?”
[ WM ] So listen , I ’ ve noticed you using multiple acoustic guitars . Which one is your guitar of choice ?
[ Alex ] Man , what ’ s crazy is I bought a Taylor Big Baby in 2006 , and it is a smaller scale guitar . Taylor made I think only 500 like this because they were trying to sell ‘ em for 800 or 900 bucks , but people weren ’ t going to buy a miniature guitar for 900 bucks . And I had this first guitar , but I dropped a flashlight on it . It was one of those police ones and I cried that night . But I just started leading worship . I was like , “ I need an acoustic guitar ”. I went into my local music shop and the guy really wanted me to buy this Taylor Big Baby . And I just was like , “ I can ’ t afford this ”, And he ’ s like , “ Man , I really think you should get this Big Baby .” And he ’ s like , “ I ’ ll sell it to you for $ 700 .” I was like , “ I ’ m 17 , I don ’ t have $ 700 .” And he ’ s like , “ How much do you have ?” I said , “ I ’ ve got 500 bucks .” And he ’ s said , “ I ’ ll give it to you for 500 bucks and tell all your friends to come buy their guitars here .” And so , I bought this Big Baby and it was so funny . I brought it with me to Australia all through Bible college for a living . I did street music , did busking , paid all my fees , paid my rent , ate some food with that money .
And it was funny , because I started leading on bigger platforms and apologizing to them for this guitar . I ’ m like , “ Oh , I ’ m sorry , I ’ ve got such a cheap guitar , one day I ’ ll hopefully have more money .” And they ’ re like , “ Why ? Your guitar is our favorite .” And so it ’ s just this fluke of guitar that I have taken with me around the world and I ’ m careful with it now , I don ’ t travel with it as much , because I love it so much . And I ’ m scared because insurance would pay me $ 300 if it got damaged . So that is my pride and joy .
[ WM ] That ’ s great . That ’ s a good story . So I ’ ll finish up . What are your hopes for upcoming touring ?
[ Alex ] It is been a unique couple years . It ’ s no secret that Hillsong has gone through some changes the last couple years . And so , we haven ’ t toured now since right before Covid . Young and Free was on tour . Literally the day leading up to the world , kind of going into lockdown . But man , I would love to tour . I love the bus , I love being out on the road . There are people that love it and people that hate it . And I absolutely live for it . But even with that , that was a funny thing . I ’ ve been on one and a half tours in the last four years , and it was a little tough sledding at the start getting on tours . And I am just in such a peaceful place at the moment … in my spirit , that the Lord is aligning my steps . And I ’ m really excited about “ A Great Awakening .” I ’ m really excited about a lot of these other songs that are written out of this place of what I ’ ve got faith for . However , that works itself out , I ’ ve got an opportunity to be on a tour , just kind of going to small towns and churches starting Wednesday for the next couple weeks . And then I have tons of opportunity to minister at a lot of churches and I ’ m really blessed to do that . And so , I just have been saying the Lord ’ s got my “ yes ” and wherever He leads … I ’ m excited to go !
[ WM ] That ’ s great . I noticed you ’ d been in Texas recently . Is that right ?
[ Alex ] Yes .
[ WM ] I ’ ve got one more question . What did you do , going from Southern California to Australia , Mexican food-wise ?
[ Alex ] ( laughs ) Oh man , it was tough . It was tough . I had to learn how to make it . The last couple years they opened up a few great spots actually . But it was tough sledding . It was tough sledding getting there .
[ WM ] Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me . And I pray that your new song goes viral , that it has a spontaneous , Godbreathed life on it . Not a marketed life , but a God-breathed spontaneous life , and that it just picks up and goes .
[ Alex ] Thank you so much . Truly that means the world to me . I ’ m so encouraged by our conversation .
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