Worship Musician Magazine May 2024 | Page 16

whether or not it was a poignant time in history , not just in American history and in the world . We ’ ve been very candid this conversation , so I feel alright to do the same . I felt like I was starting to lose friends over political values , believers and nonbelievers . And I think it ’ s so subtle and I only sing it once in the song , but there ’ s a lyric that goes , “ Parties have lines they claim you can ’ t cross . And you sit above and beyond all the stars .” And I wasn ’ t in any way trying to pick a side or nothing like that . In a way it was a song to my friends . It was a song to the people that I love . There are endless things that can divide us , and I would rather live my life focused on the things that unite us .
And so , it was a simple fun song , obviously sonically a very fun upbeat song endeavoring to draw us towards the One that unites us . And His ways are so much higher , so much greater , so much better . And imagine what our reality would look like if we let Him in on those divisive parts ?
[ WM ] Yeah , absolutely . We never had any kind of political discussions back in the Jesus Movement as part of church . We didn ’ t do that . There was nothing talked about that way . You were on your own . And so , I think it ’ s a bit like how the insurance companies and even the utility companies try to get us to bundle our services . We could save money if we bundle . Alexander Pappas , Riley Clemmons - MILLION WAYS ( Official Music Video )
But you don ’ t bundle Jesus , right ? You don ’ t bundle Jesus with anything . It ’ s about Jesus .
[ Alex ] Whoa . Come on . I love that . I ’ m stealing it . Okay ? ( laughing )
[ WM ] So your song “ Million Ways ” definitely draws from a different pool . Please tell me about this song . Was the original arrangement close to the recording ?
[ Alex ] I initially wrote that song for Young and Free and had hopes that it was going to be on a Young and Free record , but it just didn ’ t suit that project . My co-writer and one of my dearest friends , a guy named Michael Fatkin ( probably the best producer I know ), he and I sat down late on night . This is before either of us could do songwriting as a job skill . My fulltime job was a worship and creative pastor at my church . And he was in retail or something
16 May 2024 Subscribe for Free ...