EAW Anna
[ T . J .] Like I said , I grew up in the church and know for sure how important Pro Audio is to that market . I understand how a properly configured Pro Audio system can help elevate a worship service to the next level . EAW has a wide range of solutions that can apply to churches of all sizes and levels of sophistication . We understand that our customers are worship leaders , and people who are week-to-week getting up there , producing song lists , training volunteers , and fundamentally leading worship . Bottom line … we can help deploy the system that is right for you .
EAW Anya
[ WM ] Well said . Anything else you would like Worship Musician Magazine readers to know about EAW ?
[ T . J .] At EAW , we are not going to tell you your PA must be a point source system , or that it must be a line array . We have people on our staff who can help you design a system to fit your budget and your specific needs … free of charge .
[ WM ] Can you tell me a little bit about what kind of after-sales support your customers can expect ?
HOW has not always done an excellent job of creating the end-to-end solution .
[ T . J .] That is one area we are emphasizing now . Just like the other major global manufacturers , when we sell a performance system , we expect it to pair with our amplifiers and our settings . The goal is that everybody gets a consistent experience from that product . This also makes it much more straightforward to design and deploy EAW systems .
[ WM ] Are your systems sold through contractors , or do you sell direct , or how do you deploy your products to the marketplace ?
[ T . J .] 100 % through contractors .
[ WM ] The NAMM organization says that 60 % of all new Pro Audio products are bought by House of Worship . How important is the House of Worship community to EAW and your marketing strategy ?
[ T . J .] It ’ s Incredibly important . I do not think that number is overstated by any stretch . When I look at the products we are selling in our pipeline , it ’ s full of churches using everything across the entire range of products that we offer .
[ WM ] Have you personally had a chance to be in a modern worship service and hear how your EAW products help bring a quality presentation to the service musically ?
[ T . J .] We are aware that when a problem occurs , it is often not when somebody is in the office . So having somebody near you , having a phone number available is important . Our sales reps are all technically capable and available to help in real time . It is common for somebody to call on a Saturday afternoon with a problem and for one of us to help them out .
I would like your readers to know that over EAW ’ s 47-year history we have developed a large catalog of products that are aimed at one thing : solving your acoustics problems . We can provide any kind of sound system your church requires . Bottom line … EAW provides technology that serves the mission .
For more information check out : www . eaw . com
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