His sovereignty is revealed through each moment in our lives as we put our hearts , hands and minds towards doing good work in this world .
There is a time for all things , FILO Community .
A time to start a new project and a time to call it quits on a project you ’ ve been toiling over for far too long .
A time to develop volunteers and a time to transition a volunteer off the team who is serving from an unhealthy place .
A time to scratch “ the way we ’ ve always done it ” and a time to start a new process from the ground up .
A time to address any pain or anger and time to celebrate the wins .
A time to lean in and pursue the funk with your team and a time to have fun and create memories together .
A time to say “ Yes !” to trying new ideas and see what sticks and a time to set boundaries and say “ Now ’ s not the best time . Can we wait a bit ?”.
A time to sort through the piles of stuff and a time to purge the things that don ’ t matter and a time to keep the things that do matter .
A time to be slow to speak in a meeting and a time to speak up for ideas and for yourself .
A time to tackle big scary projects that are looming in the future and a time to simply focus on the day ahead and nothing more .
A time to focus on fixing the gear and a time to focus on the people serving on your team .
A time to invest extra hours in working at the church and a time to invest extra hours with your family and friends at home .
A time to end one service and jump right into
the next and a time to celebrate and observe any learnings .
And most of importantly ... There is always a time to be confident in who
God says you are .
The hustle of your everyday tasks , project lists and responsibilities will shift if you ’ re willing to take a step outside of that swirling vortex and pause long enough to evaluate what matters and what God is calling you to . He is in each and everything you put your mind to . And I promise , if you seek His will first , He will pave the path for your day ahead of you . He ’ ll make it clear .
Chelsea Pribyl FILO Chief Operations Officer // FILO Conference Executive Producer . Between having worked in the technical arts for a decade at Willow Creek Community Church and now being married to an audio engineer , Chelsea easily relates to the FILO tribe . In 2016 , Chelsea realized that serving the FILO community was exactly where God wanted her . She has a strong passion for training and equipping the FILO tribe and her heart explodes when they all gather together and worship at events . In her spare time , Chelsea enjoys eating at new gourmet restaurants with her husband , marathon shopping trips with her sister and snuggles with her pups . filo . org