As percussionists , we are responsible for sprinkling on the spice , tossing on the sparkles , and creating cool colors . Are you fulfilling the mission ? Are you trying to find and deliver some variety or simply defaulting to your familiar five instruments . Don ’ t allow your music to slide into the same old , same old . Allow me to share several options that reside in the realm of exotic percussion .
RAINSTICK The gentle sound of a rainstick transmits tranquility . There is something soothing about the sonority of hundreds of pebbles bouncing against dozens of crisscrossed cactus spines . My preference is a rainstick made from an actual cactus stalk . The following two videos offer a few rainstick tips :
RHYTHM BONES The clear click of rhythm bones can be heard accompanying Celtic fiddle tunes and American folk songs , but the well-defined snaps of this ancient percussion instrument will fit into other styles of music . ( Yes , I have played the rhythm bones in worship songs .) Mastering the bones technique requires some practice , but it ’ s worth the effort .
SHEKERE With a network of beads ( or shells ) wrapped around a gourd-shaped body , the shekere might look more like a macrame project than a musical instrument . With origins in West Africa , this instrument is a percussive powerhouse when dozens of beads slam against the resonant chamber . Although the body of the shekere is traditionally a dried gourd , more durable models are available made of synthetic materials . In addition to traditional playing techniques , the instrument can be played in a manner similar to a shaker as demonstrated in this video .
Click the link below for a short demonstration of the rhythm bones :
CHAJCHAS When the acoustic guitarist told me she liked the shells I played , I had to tell her that those shells were actually goat hooves . This Andean instrument , known as chajchas or chullus , is created by sewing goat or sheep hooves onto a cloth loop to form a bracelet rattle . Although the player can wear the chajchas while playing another instrument , l prefer to tape a couple of toenail loops together and shake the cluster . The timbre is rather earthy and sounds great alongside a tom groove from the drum set .
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